I’m becoming very fond of making Trigons puzzles, so expect lots of them here in the future!
This one I’m posting now is a Trigon puzzle with POINTED TIPS, lonely triangles which share only one side with the rest of the puzzle and the other two sides are not adjacent to any other trigon. In order for this kind of trigons to have a unique solution, there is an extra rule of trigons, which says:
If a trigon shares only one side with the rest of the puzzle, the other two sides of the trigon must be equal, i.e. must be solved using the same number!
Let’s repeat all other rules of Trigons:
The rules of Trigons puzzles
1. For this puzzle, use digits 0 to 6 to solve it.
2. The numbers given in the puzzle represent the sum of the three digits on the sides of the corresponding triangle.
3. Your objective of course is to fill in the numbers on the sides so that they add up to the given sum for that trigon (triangle).
4. Numbers CAN BE REPEATED in any triangle.
5. Each sum combination MUST BE USED EXACTLY ONCE! All triangle sum combinations are given below the grid so when you use one, cross it off.
I’m still working on determining the difficulty of each trigons puzzle, so I still won’t say how difficult this one is – I want to hear from you whether you find it difficult or not. I think it’s a bit easier than the first one.
Free Trigons Puzzle with pointed tips – difficulty UNKNOWN
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)
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To see the solution to this puzzle click here
I solved both recently published Trigons, but it took me several attempts.
The first one published on 5 April was indeed more difficult and I would rate it above IQ (maybe not Insane, but just below). The second Trigon published 9 April is probably IQ.
I find it a very interesting and challenging variant. Thank you for posting!
I would rate the first one “IQ” and the second one “BRAIN”.
Thanks Enrico! Which trigon did you enjoy solving more?
Thank you Roland for your feedback! It means a lot and it is important to hear your opinion.
Expect more trigon puzzles soon!
I’m so glad to have found this site! I’ve been trying to find a place to get trigons ever since Dell puzzles stopped producing them. I don’t know what happened, but I’m so glad that you have them. Thank you so much!
You are very welcome, Nikii!!! Have you tried the trigons book? What do you think?
I love your Trigons! I’ve been purchasing all of your Trigon books at least once a year so I can do them over and over! My favorite variations are the 0-8 and 0-9 Trigons. I love the way they challenge my memory. I was wondering if you have any plans to publish any more of the 0-8 and 0-9 variations? Or if you have any available for download that I could purchase? Thanks for making these!
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