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Samurai Sudoku X

Samurai Sudoku X for Tuesday, March 21 – this is the only place you can find these kind of Sudoku puzzles! Basically, not only do you have to fight against 5 interconnected Sudokus, but you also need to be carefull about the diagonals: ALL diagonals in the puzzle must contain one occurrence of each 1-9 digit. The diagonals are marked in the puzzle so you wouldn’t forget about them.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Samarai Sudoku book

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
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One Comment

  1. Kay Marshall
    Posted August 7, 2017 at 7:33 am | Permalink

    I have been hunting for this type of puzzle so a long time but discovered that you need to add ‘factor’ behind the X when searching. This site is now bookmarked and I’ve downloaded the first puzzle WITH the answers. Some sites have a place to click on the solution but then that link is closed!! So now I print the answers with the puzzle. I like that you also have been doing this since 2005, so it’s not likely to close down.

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