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Outside Sudoku

Here is something new (for this site) for the New Year: Outside Sudoku. This puzzle is also shown today on the Daily Sudoku variants page, but I thought I should properly introduce it. The rules: 1. For the 9×9 grid all standard Sudoku rules apply. However, you don’t have any starting clues in there! 2. The clues are given outside the grid. 0, 1, 2 or 3 numbers are shown. 3. These clues tell you which numbers appear in the 3 closest cells in the grid, IN ANY ORDER (not necessarily in the order they are given in). In other words, the clues for a row tell you which numbers appear in the corresponding row and the closest nonet (3×3 box). Same for columns.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Outside Sudoku and its variants, vol 2

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
I hope you will like it. I might start including them on the Daily Sudoku page, of course in some variant version (the non-consecutive outside sudoku type looks particularly interesting).
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  1. Isabel
    Posted January 4, 2010 at 2:18 pm | Permalink

    Something new, I do like it!

  2. Scott Urman
    Posted January 4, 2010 at 7:48 pm | Permalink

    Cool! Took me about 1/2 hour or so to solve this morning. I’ve always liked non-consecutive puzzles in general, so an outside non-consecutive would be nifty.

  3. Roz
    Posted July 21, 2010 at 10:49 pm | Permalink

    I love outside sudoku – please have MORE!!!!!

  4. Tina
    Posted March 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm | Permalink


    still wait for a second Flower Sudoku/ or better flower/outside Sudoku book or new Zero/Killers. Oooohhh, please!!!! And without the “easy” and “cool” ones…again! And I have seen that you offer more Sudokus for kids now :o)) -and good for beginners too! If you would write that on the cover of the books too…..!Than you can leave out the boring “easy” and “cool” ones forever for “adults”…in the future!!!;o)
    And you’ve pronounced some new books on amazon for the next months! Really urgent for me, cause I need new stuff !!!
    Another important request: Have you ever seen the Killer-Sudokus, Stefan Heine created with “Killer-Sudoku 7 -ultrahardcore”??? They are handmade!!! And I know that you have a computerprogram only. But that’s the next step, and the best in the meanwhile. Your “IQ” Killers needs less than 10 to 15 minutes for me to solve them…looking football (US -soccer) in the meanwhile with father and son on the weekend…sorry! Think all your fans need more “hardcore”!!! We learned step by step…

    Best regards


  5. Karen gilston
    Posted September 26, 2014 at 2:13 pm | Permalink

    The green covered outside sudoku….. The problem is I have done it 5 times now. Cannot find another book like it. Is there any chance you will be doing another on only I am begining to remember certain grids.

    • Posted October 6, 2014 at 2:13 am | Permalink

      Hi Karen,

      Good news for you! 🙂 There already is a book with Outside Sudoku puzzles: Flower Sudoku and Outside Sudoku.

      And even better: there is a new volume of the Outside Sudoku book coming very soon, in about a month! So stay tuned and you’ll know when precisely! 🙂

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