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Consecutive Butterfly Sudoku

Someone 😉 complained and asked for more new variants and specifically for cons/non-cons puzzles. So here it is – first ever Consecutive Butterfly (4 in 1) Sudoku puzzle. “Pipes” (“|” symbols) between cells mean that those cells must contain consecutive numbers. If there is no pipe – those cells can’t contain consecutive numbers. This second part of the rule is very important but also easy to forget. All this, of course, in “Butterfly” format, meaning there are 4 puzzles that heavily overlap. Consecutive Butterfly for Friday, September 8 – IQ – this is the only place you can find this kind of Sudoku puzzles! WARNING: The puzzle has only 4 givens but it DOES HAVE A UNIQUE SOLUTION. If you find this puzzle too difficult, well, look in the forum to see who asked for more variants and complain to them. 🙂
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Flower  Sudoku and Outside  Sudoku

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Good luck and enjoy!
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  1. udosuk
    Posted September 19, 2006 at 6:27 am | Permalink

    Well, I guess that “someone ;)” should reply something here… 😆 Thanks for the great puzzle… I guarantee it’s solvable… 8)

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