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Category Archives: Sudoku Variants

Sudoku Variants, such as TriDoku, Outside Sudoku, Non-Consecutive Sudoku, Greater/Less Than, Sudoku Straights etc

Clueless LOCO Sudoku

Here is a new puzzle I think you’ll like. It’s another LOCO Sudoku puzzle, however, it is not in Samurai format, but for the first time, it is in Clueless Sudoku format instead. Before you try solving this puzzle, please become familiar with the Clueless Sudoku puzzles and with the Loco Sudoku puzzles, too. Just […]
Clueless Sudoku book

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New Overlapping Sudoku – Gattai 8

Hey, it’s been a while since my last post… September is the month which marks an anniversary of this website, so I’m gonna start posting more often and possibly, on some non-puzzle related topics. Not sure yet, but it might happen. Stay tuned. Anyhow… Unless I’m mistaken, I haven’t posted a puzzle of this type […]
Super Samurai Sudoku, volume 4, 111 puzzles

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Wendy’s puzzle (triple loco sudoku)

Here we go! It’s been a while since I last posted a free sample puzzle and thanks to Wendy, one of the regular visitors to this website, I am posting a puzzle which I think she’ll like. 🙂 She sent an email saying that in the new volume of the Loco Sudoku book, she preferred […]
Multi Sudoku LOCO Sudoku, volume 2

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Frame Jigsaw Sudoku

Here is another Frame Sudoku Sums puzzle, this time in Jigsaw Sudoku format! So, two distinct sudoku variants merged into one puzzle. Hard to find anywhere else but here, folks! 🙂 Let’s quickly recap the rules: the numbers outside of the grid tell you the sum of the 3 numbers closest to it. In a […]
Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle Book

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Non Consecutive and Consecutive Sudoku

Here is another multi sudoku puzzle, although this one consists of just two overlapping sub puzzles with very similar rules. Top puzzle is non consecutive sudoku. Again, as many times before, I warn you: it looks like just vanilla sudoku, but you must follow an additional rule: two consecutive numbers cannot be placed orthogonally next […]
Non Consecutive Sudoku book, volume 2

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Loco Sudoku

Are you ready for this!? 🙂 After my first Multi Sudoku, here is another one… this time I labeled it “Loco Sudoku”, because, really, it is MAD! 🙂 Just as in the first Multi puzzle I posted, this is a Sudoku Samurai variation, where each constituent overlapping sub puzzle has different rules. This time they […]
Multi Sudoku Samurai Loco Sudoku book

Also posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku | Tagged , | 7 Responses

Multi Sudoku

Ladies and gentlemen! 🙂 I am really pleased to present you with a unique puzzle. Perhaps you might think this is nothing special, but for me it is, it was not so easy to make this! It’s my first ever MULTI SUDOKU (SAMURAI)! It is sometimes also referred to as “Loco Sudoku” and it sure […]
Multi Sudoku LOCO Sudoku, volume 2

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Frame Sudoku

A novelty for this site – Sum Frame Sudoku! 🙂 No, it’s not an Outside Sudoku. It’s more of a Killer Sudoku Variant: the numbers outside the grid tell you the sum of the 3 numbers closest to it. So, yes, in a way it is also similar to Outside Sudoku, but here you do […]
Loco Sudoku Puzzle Book Cuckoo Wacky Quirky

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Super Samurai Sudoku 13 grids

Some people consider Sudoku Samurai puzzles too big; some other people prefer even bigger puzzles. If you belong to the second category, here is an overlapping sudoku variants puzzle for you: 13 grid Sudoku (Gattai-13) laid out in a quadruple Samurai Sudoku format. Essentially, there are 13 Sudoku sub-puzzles which overlap the same way as […]
Super Samurai Sudoku 13 grids

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Odd Even Sudoku

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day! 🙂 As a small gift for you, I’ve prepared an odd-even sudoku variation puzzle. It’s not the first odd even puzzle I ever posted, but it is the first plain odd even sudoku. And to spice things up a little bit, this is a very difficult odd/even […]
Loco Sudoku Puzzle Book Cuckoo Wacky Quirky

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