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Consecutive TwoDoku X

To be honest, I haven’t kept track of all the different sudoku variants that I have posted and which ones I never posted, but I think that this is the first Consecutive TwoDoku X sudoku puzzle ever. I will check in my archive when I find some time to see if this is true or not. Anyway, “pipes” (“|” symbols) between cells mean that those cells must contain consecutive numbers. If there is no pipe – those cells can’t contain consecutive numbers. This second part of the rule is very important but also easy to forget. Consecutive TwoDoku X for Monday, August 21 – IQ – this is the only place you can find this kind of Sudoku puzzles!
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Flower  Sudoku and Outside  Sudoku

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Good luck and enjoy!
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