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Daily Hidoku

As you all may have noticed, I’ve finally started posting Hidoku puzzles on a daily basis! They can be found every day, Monday to Friday, on the Hidoku page!
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  1. George
    Posted January 20, 2009 at 4:46 pm | Permalink

    It appears that the 20 Jan puzzle is not unique.

  2. Posted January 21, 2009 at 12:29 am | Permalink

    George, if you are certain that there are multiple solutions, please provide at least two of them.

  3. udosuk
    Posted January 21, 2009 at 4:32 pm | Permalink

    George, I think the 20 Jan puzzle has a unique solution, but it is a very tough one.

    I’ve posted a walkthrough in the forum:

    (But if you want to try it once more and don’t want a spoiler, you’ve been warned. ;))

  4. udosuk
    Posted February 1, 2009 at 3:51 pm | Permalink

    A little suggestion:

    For these daily Hidoku files please add the letter “h” in front of the filenames (i.e. “h2009…”), so that it will help us manage the files easier (otherwise they always mix together with the daily sudoku puzzles, both starting as “2009…”).

    Also, for the solution files please change the filenames as they currently clashes with the Kendoku solutions (both “solution.png”). Again adding an “h” (e.g. “hsolution.png” or “hs.png”) would be desirable.

    Thanks for all the nice puzzles! :mrgreen:

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