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Greater than Sudoku

This Weekend’s special is a brand new Sudoku puzzle that I have never posted before. It’s a greater/less than sudoku variant. All standard sudoku rules apply. You don’t have any numbers to start with, instead, there are clues which cells contain numbers that are greater/smaller than the numbers in adjacent cells. I’m sure you’ve seen these before. If you haven’t – well, give them a go, they can be a lot of fun. If you don’t know where to start, here is a hint: if a cell is, for example, greater than 3 adjacent cells, it means that the smallest number it can contain is number 4! Vice versa: if it is smaller than 2 adjacent cells – the largest number that it can contain is 7! UPDATE:The puzzle that you can download by clicking on the grid below is a Samurai “greater than” Sudoku puzzle! I decided to create another type of Sudoku puzzle that is uniquely available on this site.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Samarai Sudoku book

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Of course, you can still download my first “greater than” (9×9) here: 9×9 greater than Sudoku 9×9 greater than Sudoku – solution Please do post your comments, especially on how difficult you find these puzzles. You can do that either via the comment form. Thanks!
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  1. Cyclone
    Posted April 2, 2006 at 3:43 pm | Permalink

    I’ve seen these posted already on…they are an interesting variant that requires another whole new logical feel. For instance, if you only have one cell that is not greater than any other, it must be a 1…the opposite for a 9…but I still don’t have a technique mastered for noting the numbers in between other than seeing what the smallest and largest options are for each cell. Quite a unique variant!

  2. rstlnev
    Posted April 18, 2006 at 5:26 am | Permalink

    A first time for me, took a couple of tries but it was really worth it. A really challenging varient, but with practice I can see how it could become just a logical extension of traditional puzzles.

  3. Svenni
    Posted April 21, 2006 at 12:54 pm | Permalink

    In my opinion the greater than sudokus are very simple.
    1. Start filling all possible 9’s (in the whole sudoku)
    usually after this step you have at least 6-7 9’s in a fixed position.
    2. Fill in all possible 1’s
    3. Fill in all possible 8’s
    4. Fill in all possible 2’s

    With this technique you solve every greater than sudoku in less than 10 minutes.

    The important thing is focus on the whole sudoku not on the 3×3.

    Best regards from germany


    I have real problems with the killer sudokus.

  4. Posted April 21, 2006 at 2:37 pm | Permalink

    Sven, you’re right to some extent. Some easier puzzles can be solved this way, but the more difficult ones still require usual sudoku solving techniques (subsets etc).

  5. rocky
    Posted September 15, 2009 at 1:40 pm | Permalink

    please tell me what to do to solve my greater than or less than sudoku i have a contest tomorrow!!!!

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