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IQ Friday

First of all, I think that the download issues have been rectified. People aren’t complaining about downloading puzzles anymore, so I reckon it’s working fine for all of you. Also, I posted two puzzles just now. The Killer is rated “IQ”. It should be challenging but not terribly difficult. You should all solve it by Monday! 🙂 The classic Sudoku is an interesting one – it’s a 4×3, not 3×3. So you use letters A-L to solve it. Don’t forget that tomorrow is Saturday – the day for a weekly Samurai X. Enjoy your weekend!
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  1. Cathy
    Posted October 28, 2005 at 10:05 pm | Permalink

    Help needed! Today’s “Insane” was relatively easy but I’m still stuck with the IQ from 21st October and only have 3 entries: r3c7=2, r6c5=7 and r7c3=9. I have a number of split cages and have worked out that the 14 cage in column 9 has to be 68 pair and that r7c5 and r6c6 are also 6 or 8. Also the 10 cage in column 1 can be r3c1(89), r4c1(21); have corresponding 89 to make a pair in r3c5; r5c3 is (78) and r5c7 is (57). And that’s about it! Please can someone give me a hint for the next step so I can make some progress – I don’t want the solution, just a clue to what I’m missing. Thanks.

  2. Posted October 28, 2005 at 10:53 pm | Permalink


    R6C6 is an innie for the last 4 columns put together – just the same as R4C4 is an innie of the first 4 columns. Check the solving tips section for a further description of complex innies/outies.

    Your reasoning is sound, so with those 2 you should be able to solve the puzzle! 🙂


  3. Cathy
    Posted October 28, 2005 at 11:52 pm | Permalink

    Now why couldn’t I see those before?!!

    Thanks Djape.

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