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More Swordfish

I posted another classic Sudoku that requires Swordfish/X-Wing solving technique. You should practice this technique because at some stage I might post a Killer Sudoku that will require you to use this technique to solve the puzzle. Maybe. 🙂 Of course I also posted another Killer – it’s a Brain X. Have fun.
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  1. Ana
    Posted November 23, 2005 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

    dear DJ,

    i am sorry to say, that i do not understand this solving technique. i have tried to apply it without success. i am afraid that i am missing something important. Could you please try to explain again?

    thanks, Ana

  2. Posted November 23, 2005 at 1:54 pm | Permalink

    Hi Ana,

    You shouldn’t worry too much about Swordfish/X-Wing because they are really advanced techniques and also they are very rare and even more difficult to spot.

    I posted a further explanation in this comment here:

    Maybe reading that would help. I hope you do figure it out this time :).


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