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Multi Sudoku

Ladies and gentlemen! 🙂 I am really pleased to present you with a unique puzzle. Perhaps you might think this is nothing special, but for me it is, it was not so easy to make this! It’s my first ever MULTI SUDOKU (SAMURAI)! It is sometimes also referred to as “Loco Sudoku” and it sure is “loco”, i.e. CRAZY! Do you have other suggestions for the name? It is, essentially a Samurai Sudoku puzzle. However, all 5 sub-puzzles are different sudoku variants with different rules! In this particular one, it goes like this:
  • The central sub-puzzle is Non Consecutive Sudoku. This is crucial, because it looks like ordinary sudoku, but it is not! You cannot place two consecutive numbers inside the central sub-puzzle!
  • Top left is Jigsaw Sudoku.
  • Top Right is Diagonal Sudoku.
  • Bottom Left is Hyper Sudoku Windoku.
  • Bottom Right is Consecutive Sudoku. If there is a horizontal or a vertical bar between two cells, then the numbers inside them must be consecutive. If there is no such bar, the numbers must be non consecutive.
Get it? 🙂 UPDATE: The solution has been updated. 🙂 The puzzle is rated IQ but it’s not all that hard… I think. 🙂 Hint: Don’t start with the Hyper or the Non-cons!

Multi Sudoku Samurai – difficulty IQ

(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Multi Sudoku LOCO Sudoku, volume 2

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Oh, and don’t be confused… each sub-puzzle cannot be solved independently! If you try that, you will get multiple solutions! However, the whole puzzle does have a unique solution! So you must work on the puzzle as a whole. Read the Samurai Sudoku rules first!
This entry was posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

One Comment

  1. Posted March 10, 2014 at 10:52 am | Permalink

    First and foremost – I love the puzzle! I am very addicted to your five and 13 grid layouts and have never really done the other variants – but now I will have to learn because I adore the puzzle you just sent! thank you so much! However, clicking on the button for the answer, just showed me the empty puzzle again. I did get the answers from the lower print out, though. You might want to change that. I can’t wait to try the new puzzle! Thank you again.

3 Trackbacks

  • By Loco Sudoku on March 18, 2014 at 7:16 am

    […] as in the first Multi puzzle I posted, this is a Sudoku Samurai variation, where each constituent overlapping sub puzzle has […]

  • By Non Consecutive and Consecutive Sudoku on April 17, 2014 at 9:16 am

    […] is another multi sudoku puzzle, although this one consists of just two overlapping sub puzzles with very similar […]

  • By Loco Sudoku book on March 1, 2015 at 2:00 am

    […] time I’m really happy to announce that the first ever book containing Loco Sudoku or Multi Sudoku puzzles has been […]

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