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Tag Archives: kendoku calculator

Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #10

Another rather large Kendoku puzzle for the end of week. This time there are 4 puzzles arranged in a “Ring”. 7×7 Diagonal Kendoku Ring for Friday, October 17, 2008. CalcuDoku for Friday, Oct 17, 2008Difficulty: IQClick on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.The Reduced Operators version of CalcuDoku is here.These puzzles are also available […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #9

Here is another Kendoku puzzle where some cells do not belong to any cage. And incidentally, it’s my first INSANE Kendoku, although I don’t think it’s so mad as some of my killers have been. 🙂 8×8 no-cages Kendoku for Thursday, October 15, 2008. CalcuDoku for Thursday, Oct 16, 2008Difficulty: INSANEClick on the puzzle thumbnail […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #8

9×9 Diagonal Kendoku X for Wednesday, October 15, 2008. CalcuDoku for Wednesday, Oct 15, 2008Difficulty: BRAINClick on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.The Reduced Operators version of CalcuDoku is here.These puzzles are also available to newspapers, magazines and other publishers. Be the first to have my CalcuDoku puzzles printed!You can use my CalcuDoku Calculator […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Time for another “vanilla” Kendoku puzzle, also known as CalcuDoku. 6×6 Kendoku for Tuesday, October 14, 2008. CalcuDoku for Tuesday, Oct 14, 2008Difficulty: BRAINClick on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.The Reduced Operators version of CalcuDoku is here.These puzzles are also available to newspapers, magazines and other publishers. Be the first to have my […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #6

Another brand new variety for you – Non-Consecutive Kendoku So, in addition to all Kendoku rules, there is one extra: two adjacent cells MUST NOT contain two consecutive numbers. 8×8 Non-Consecutive Kendoku for Monday, October 13, 2008. (Non)-consecutive CalcuDoku for Monday, Oct 13, 2008Difficulty: THINKERClick on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.The Reduced Operators […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #5

Today’s Kendoku puzzle should take you through the weekend. 🙂 It’s my first ever Kendoku Samurai (Gattai-5)! To clarify things again: numbers CAN BE repeated in cages. 7×7 Kendoku Samurai for Friday, October 10, 2008. CalcuDoku for Friday, Oct 10, 2008Difficulty: IQClick on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.The Reduced Operators version of CalcuDoku […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #4

After a few Kendoku variants thay I’ve posted in the last 7 days, today I post my first classic Kendoku puzzle. However, it does have one special property – see if you can find what it is. Again, there are two versions of the same puzzle: an easier one with all operators filled in and […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #3

Some may not like the fact that today’s puzzle isn’t actually a SquareWisdom puzzle, instead, it’s actually a true hybrid between Killer Sudoku and Kendoku. Having implemented Kendoku puzzles into my solver&generator program, it was a no brainer to extend it a little further and allow all four operators for my Killer Sudoku puzzles. And […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #2

Next in line – Kendoku with unknown cages! This is similar to “Zero Killer Sudoku” where some cells do not belong to any cages. This one is relatively easy, but rest assured there are more difficult ones to come! 🙂 7×7 Kendoku UC (unknown cages) for Tuesday, October 7, 2008. CalcuDoku for Tuesday, Oct 07, […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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Daily Kendoku (CanCan, SquareWisdom) #1

Today’s puzzle is a diagonal Kendoku variant. In addition to all other standard Kendoku rules, there is one extra for this puzzle: the numbers cannot be repeated on either diagonal, just like they can’t be repeated on any row/column. This is marked in the puzzle with an “X” across. I’m posting two versions of the […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

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