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Butterfly Killer Sudoku

“I think this one is quite difficult” – is what I would be tempted to say if I didn’t have such an army of intrepid solvers for audience. So, I won’t say that. See for yourself and let me know what you think about this killer butterfly puzzle.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
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  1. CathyW
    Posted May 13, 2007 at 11:54 pm | Permalink

    After a quick reminder on Butterflies, this took me about 20 minutes. So, not that difficult! You are always going to get extra clues which limit the options once you have a few placements in outer nonets. r16 options were very quickly filled in. Still fun to do – thanks.

  2. Scott Urman
    Posted May 15, 2007 at 12:40 am | Permalink

    Definitely fun, I really enjoyed it. One note though – the solution would not download for me, clicking on it (using a Firefox browser) just returns back to the main page.

  3. Diana
    Posted May 21, 2007 at 10:59 pm | Permalink

    I agree — I tend to find it difficult at first adjusting to a Butterfly, then the rest is rather mechanical. But fun anyway.

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