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- Butterfly Sudoku
- Clueless Sudoku
- Consecutive Sudoku
- Diagonal Sudoku
- Flower Sudoku
- Frame Sudoku
- Greater than Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Insane Killer Sudoku
- Jigsaw Sudoku
- Killer Samurai Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku 10×10
- Loco Sudoku
- Multi Sudoku
- Non Consecutive Sudoku
- Odd Even Sudoku
- Outside Sudoku
- Sudoku Harakiri
- Sudoku Samurai
- Sudoku Straights
- Super Samurai Sudoku
- TwoDoku
Sample Puzzles!
Category Archives: Solving tips
Twin Nonets
Lets formalize the technique that can be used when solving overlapping puzzles, which I have been referring to as “the new solving technique” and that I now call Twin Nonets. Basically, this technique is a sub-technique (or if you like – a consequence) of the naked/hidden triplets technique that you are all probably aware of. […]
Posted in Solving tips
Tagged Butterfly Sudoku, Double Sudoku, Double Trouble, EASY, Flower Sudoku, IQ, samurai, solving technique, technique, Twin Nonets
12 Responses

As promised, I implemented the Swordfish classic Sudoku solving technique in my Perfect Sudoku software and generated a few puzzles. I just posted one of them on the Daily Sudoku page. However, I ran my generator and generated a couple of thousands Killer Sudokus and NONE of them required Swordfish, just as I speculated before. […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku
Tagged Classic Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, Killer Sudokus, Perfect Sudoku, solving technique, sudoku solving technique, swordfish, technique, x-wing
8 Responses
Subtraction combo
Udosuk, one of our visitors who is most active in giving hints for the puzzles we post here, has made a suggestion for a new solving technique for Killer Puzzles. He calls it “subtraction combo”. I’m posting his explanation here (slightly modified): I’m proposing a trick which I think many players already knew, but I’ll […]
Posted in Solving tips
Tagged calculator, IQ, killer, solving technique, subtraction combo, technique
3 Responses
You Asked For It!
As promised, I just posted a puzzle with the rating that is currently in the lead in our poll. And that, apparently, is INSANE. This puzzle requires all Killer techniques + it requires some advanced classic Sudoku techniques (match subsets etc). It does not require trial and error! I hope someone will solve it without […]
Also posted in Samurai sudoku
Tagged Classic Sudoku, EASY, innie, INNIES, INSANE, IQ, killer, outie, OUTIES, samurai, SUBSETS, technique
12 Responses
Complex innies/outies – part two

Complex innies/outies

Also posted in Free sample puzzles
Tagged innie, INNIES, IQ, outie, OUTIES, Perfect Sudoku, solving tip, solving tips, standard sudoku, technique, THINKER
3 Responses
Cage Splitting – Killer Sudoku
Ok, here is the explanation of the “Cage/fence splitting” solving technique for Killer Sudoku puzzles that I promised before. I will use the puzzle posted on Friday, October 7 and solve it step by step using this method. We extend the idea of the “innies” and “outies” solving technique, except that you’re not looking for […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku
Tagged Cage Splitting, innie, INNIES, innies and outies, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, outie, OUTIES, rule of 45, sample puzzle, solving technique, technique
2 Responses
Two very cool puzzles today!
I’ve posted two very beautiful puzzles today. Killer Sudoku: This one might look very difficult but after a tough first step, the solution unfolds really easy. This is at least how I got the solution :), there could be a simpler one. Anyhow, I will use this one to explain the technique that I call […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku
Tagged COOL, Diagonal Sudoku, EASY, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, Sudoku Variant, technique, variant
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Killer Sudoku – September 27th
Many people have asked about the Killer Sudoku posted on September 27th. I haven’t tried to solve this Killer by hand but it is very much possible that it requires either a lot of math (the technique that I call “cage/fence splitting”, which will be explained in the next few days) or that it cannot […]
Also posted in General, Killer Sudoku
Tagged IQ, killer, killer sudoku, Killer Sudokus, technique
12 Responses