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Clueless Consecutive Sudoku puzzle

How many Sudoku variants are there? I don’t know. To calculate, you’d have to multiply the number of overlapping types with the number of variants that impose additional constraints on each puzzle. I produce puzzles with 5 different constraints: Killer, Odd/Even, Greater/Less than, Consecutive, and Non-Consecutive. But then again, you can put an “X” on each of those, so you’d have to double the number. Some creators even produce puzzles that can have more than one of these constraints. Then there are jigsaw sudoku puzzles… Well, I’ll leave it up to you to count all different variants, while I’m presenting you another one for the very first time: Clueless Consecutive Sudoku puzzle! In this puzzle, there are 9 Sudoku puzzles with no overlapping regions! If you attempt to solve them individually – you won’t get far. Here is where the “clueless” part comes in: in all of those 9 puzzles, the center nonet is empty. As you plug in your numbers, center nonets (shaded in grey) start filling up. The trick is that those 9 center nonets, put together, also constitute a valid Sudoku puzzle. So, when you run out of ideas, start working on the 10th puzzle and it will give you enough information to solve the whole lot. Those 10 puzzles together have, of course, a single solution. Important: Consecutive numbers are marked as usual with pipe symbols “|”. Pay attention to lines that separate sub-puzzles: consecutive/non-consecutive cells are marked there, too. However, in the 10th puzzle that consists of 9 nonets from other 9 puzzles, the only (non)consecutive cells are those that are already marked. There is no information given about consecutiveness of the cells between those 9 nonets. I hope you see what I mean. If you have any doubts about the rules for this puzzle, please ask here or in the forum before you lose a lot of time attempting to solve this puzzle. Clueless Consecutive Sudoku for Monday, September 25 – this is the only place you can find this kind of Sudoku puzzles!
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Loco Sudoku Puzzle Book Cuckoo Wacky Quirky

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
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  1. Olga
    Posted September 29, 2006 at 10:55 am | Permalink

    The puzzle was brilliant!!! I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks, Djape!

  2. FirstOfNine
    Posted March 7, 2010 at 11:39 pm | Permalink

    Great stuff! Thanks for not letting me go to sleep 😉

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