This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Daily & Weekly Puzzles

Since it seems that this week’s brain X was a tricky one, today I didn’t post an INSANE puzzle, but rather just an IQ. It’s still quite difficult – maybe even more difficult than the brain X. I also posted a 4×4 classic Sudoku puzzle with another “shape” in it. It looks pretty I think. Don’t forget that Saturday is the day for Samurai X, our specialty. And I’m working on another type of Sudoku puzzles at the moment, which I hope to implement by next weekend, so you’ll get more special Sudokus available exclusively on! Enjoy your weekend and get those brain cells working :).
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  1. Tony
    Posted November 8, 2005 at 12:02 pm | Permalink

    This is a great site. Lots of entertainment.

    Could I make a few suggestions.

    The software help just returns me to your website without any instructions. I’m only using it at a very basic level. What are the options e.g. innies/outies for? ticking them doesn’t seem to change anything.

    the archives do the same. I missed Friday’s killer and cannot find it. the November archive just returns to this page.

    Probably, like my previous comment I’ve missed something really obvious.

    Best wishes


  2. Posted November 8, 2005 at 12:42 pm | Permalink

    Tony, to show “innies/outies” or to use any other solving technique, you must first change the display from “Pencilmarks” to “Legal Values”.

    So, select “Legal values” and then tick “innies/outies” or whatever else.

    Also, the puzzle archive is available – there is a link under the “links” section near the top of the right-hand sidebar.

    Hope this helps.

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