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Fiendish, anyone?

I’ve just uploaded today’s puzzles. Be warned – the classic Sudoku that I posted should be rated as ‘fiendish’, I think. If you don’t think so, have a look, solve it and rate it yourself! Let us know what you think. I promise that I will soon implement an automatic rating system and post that difficulty level along with the day’s puzzles. I promise. Soon. 😉
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  1. Haim Geron
    Posted November 6, 2005 at 4:28 pm | Permalink

    Be so kind to let me know how you enter the cages into the grid, and what is the system
    of including the boxes into each cage.
    Many thanks and best regards,

  2. Posted November 6, 2005 at 7:59 pm | Permalink

    Haim Geron, I take that you are referring to Killer Sudokus and asking how to enter them in my software?

    Well, I unfortunately don’t have time to write a help for my application, so I put a short description in the status bar (bottom of the dialog).

    Basicaly, you must first enter the “design” mode and then left click and hold the button while moving the mouse to enter each cage. Once you’re done with one cage you can start another one.

    It’s actually very easy when you try a few times.

    To split cages you do the same except while holding the right button.

    Please let me know if this helps.

    Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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