I don’t know if there is a species that go under that name and if there are, my apologies to them.
Another world premiere Sudoku variation puzzle –
Butterfly Killer Sudoku. Thanks to one of our regular visitors
udosuk for suggesting this concept – this should encourage you to suggest a layout for overlapping puzzles and I’ll attempt to create them.
Back to the puzzle – there are 4 “classic” 9×9 Sudoku puzzles inside this one. They all overlap and they all must be solved according to the rules of Sudoku. You can use Twin Nonets solving technique for this one!
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)
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To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Solution – first step
Solution – final
By the way, I also posted a “Diagonal Butterfly Sudoku X” on the
Daily Sudoku variants page – it’s the same layout as this one, but it’s not a Killer.
Have fun!
Holy… Must I say djape you’re a god in the killer sudoku world! (Isn’t it a god’s job to create different creatures?) And didn’t you deliberately split the grid into 4 6×6 regions to resemble the 4 wings of a butterfly!?
Can’t wait to try it out!
DJApe…I think you have reached the summit with this puzzle. I have been a huge fan of your Killer puzzles for a long time now and have grown tired of normal sudoku’s. I also do not like the overlapping sudoku’s since they do not make it that much more stimulating other than taking a long time. But I grown to love the Butterfly overlap since it adds a unique twist to the puzzle. You have combined the best two now to make the Killer Butterfly which is the ultimate (other than a Killer Butterfly X maybe).
Took me about 30-40 minutes to finish. I am looking forward to an insane level KB!
djape – fantastic. What a great killer. Not sure if I want to suggest this, but the next logical step is surely a Killer Butterfly Samurai!! Over to you, god.
Finished it without too much trouble, but must say I enjoyed it immensely! BTW I think the 20-clue Butterfly X was much much more challenging, probably due to the X-factor! When I solved it I spent a lot more time than this one and noticed a lot of new techniques that’s unique to the butterfly-X structure… like eliminating 1 candidate in a cell at the top-left corner can could determine another cell in the bottom right nonet! Wicked!