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Let’s solve this baby!

Ok, I’ve created a separate category for the Killer Sudoku puzzle posted on September 27. It’s caused a lot of controversy and discussion on other websites and it’s time to bring this baby home and solve it! I’m really swamped with work so I haven’t had time to solve this puzzle by hand. Let’s work together until we find a “logical” step by step solution without using trial and error. THE puzzle: Killer Sudoku posted on September 27 And the solution found by trial and error algorithm (and it is surely the only solution): Killer Sudoku posted on September 27
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One Comment

  1. ZD
    Posted October 9, 2005 at 9:44 am | Permalink

    Any chance you can fill it in as we go along? We’ve already determined the entire middle nonet, as well as the singles protruding from it. That plus the singlet 1’s might help us see things a little further…

One Trackback

  • By Why do I make puzzles? A brief history of on January 14, 2012 at 4:20 am

    […] a Killer Sudoku generator. On September 26, 2005, I started posting Daily Killer Sudoku puzzles. On September 27, the Killer puzzle I posted caused some controversy. Why? Well… at that time my Killer Sudoku generator algorithm was […]

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