This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Merry Christmas! :)

Merry Christmas to all that will celebrate it on December 25 and happy holidays to everyone else :). I uploaded the most difficult puzzle yet for this occassion – it’s a Killer Samurai X. It’s not difficult because it’s an “X” but because you do need to apply all the difficult solving techniques that you should’ve learned by now. Click here to download the puzzle Click here to download the solution I thank you all for your support and (mostly positive) comments. I hope to further enhance this site and the puzzles that I will post in the New Year. It seems that our puzzles will be published in more and more countries next year and I’m really looking forward to that. In just 3 months we have built up a community of about 1300 daily visitors (on average) and hopefuly that will increase in the coming months. Thanks again and keep coming! 🙂 Cheers! UPDATE: Christmas is no Christmas without gift’s for children. Therefore, here is my gift to all kids – Mini Killer Samurai X. Click here to download the puzzle Click here to download the solution
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