Here is another
multi sudoku puzzle, although this one consists of just two overlapping sub puzzles with very similar rules.
Top puzzle is non consecutive sudoku. Again, as many times before, I warn you: it looks like just vanilla sudoku, but you must follow an additional rule: two consecutive numbers cannot be placed orthogonally next to each other.
The bottom puzzle is consecutive sudoku. Here, the cells with consecutive numbers are connected with a horizontal or vertical bar. If there is no bar – the two cells must not contain consecutive numbers (just like in non-cons sudoku).
Got it? 🙂
What do you make of these? Would you like to see them in a sudoku book? 🙂
Consecutive and Non Consecutive Sudoku Mix – DIFFICULTY BRAIN
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)
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To see the solution to this puzzle click here
@Would you like to see them in a sudoku book?
Be sure- such a geat new Level!!! I wish to see all these new multi-puzzles in a book!!! :o))
I prefer to buy your books and hate the “daily” puzzles! No satisfaction at least – cause I always want to solve even more and more of them -directly!!! ;o)
Sorry, ment -“a great new level!!!”