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Non Consecutive Sudoku Samurai

All those of you who are wondering where the weekly Samurai Sudoku puzzles are, well, first, please read this post. Then, get ready to be happy. 🙂 Here is today’s special puzzle: Non Consecutive Samurai Sudoku! Although it looks like your ordinary 5 in 1 Sudoku gattai overlapping Samurai puzzle, there is one additional rule which must not be forgotten: two consecutive numbers must not be placed next to each other! Other than that, everything else remains the same! By the way, there is a book full of Samurai Sudokus with additional rules, including 12 Consecutive Samurai and 12 NonConsecutive Samurai!

Samurai Sudoku – NON CONSECUTIVE variety

The difficulty of this puzzle is rated THINKER.
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Non Consecutive Sudoku Compendium

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Enjoy! 🙂
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One Comment

  1. Mary Ann Craft
    Posted February 6, 2014 at 11:45 am | Permalink

    why aren’t the answers to the Sunday Samurai Feb2,2014 published this week on Tuesday?

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