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Puppy Diary and a New Puzzle :)

Here we go… this post is as personal as they get. There is a home video of me in it. And my puppy. And an Instagram post. And a free puzzle. I think I got your attention. Good. If you are wondering why this personal post all of a sudden, you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter yet. Changes are coming to this site. Slowly. So stay tuned and subscribe. It’s free. So I got a Border Collie puppy. Name is Cash. In Serbian language it is pronounced a bit more sharply than in English, you will soon hear me say it a few times. Why Cash? Because “Tango & Cash”. And I dance Tango, a lot. Cash has been with me for 3 weeks now; however, I went sailing for a week and my Mom came over to take care of him. A couple of days after I got him I started clicker training him. I am amazed by his intelligence! Border Collies really are the smartest dog breed around. The video you are about to see was shot a day before Cash’s 3-month birthday. Unfortunately, I give him commands in my language, so you gotta trust me that he does what I tell him to do. If I ever post another video I will try to sound over my comments in English. Anyway… here is the video of me and Cash clicker training at my home. I also posted a short clip of Cash on my Instagram. It was taken 2 days after I got him, before we started training. Now, BACK TO PUZZZZZZLES! I’ve been making Odd Even Sudoku puzzles for years, but this one I’m posting now is a bit different. It contains only PARTIAL Odd Even information. So, not all cells are marked as odd or even as before. Instead, only some of them are labeled. Shaded cells must be Odd. Cells with a square must be Even. No shade, no square? Could be either odd or even! And of course it is not a vanilla Sudoku. It is Partial Odd Even Samurai Sudoku and it’s supposed to be a bit difficult. Here we go:

Partial Odd Even Samurai Sudoku – Overlapping Sudoku Samurai variant – Gattai 5

(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Super Sudoku Quad Samurai Puzzle Book with Variants

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
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  1. Kristin
    Posted October 2, 2017 at 4:04 pm | Permalink

    I loved watching your video. I also clicker trained my dog to do many things, including to be my service dog, and she is a Shih Tzu. Yes, a Shih Tzu. (Much harder challenge than a Border Collie )

    • Posted October 3, 2017 at 12:34 am | Permalink

      I’ve heard that some people use clicker training for babies, too. 🙂 I don’t know if I would go that far. But it is a great method to teach the dog and make a happy dog, which won’t misbehave or run away. I’m looking forward to training more with him!

  2. Tina
    Posted October 2, 2017 at 10:12 pm | Permalink

    Good luck that I own cats and have a lot of experience educating hounds too!
    I love you for your puzzles such a lot of years -you know. And you are a phd now, but what did you really learn? I was astonished and horrified watching your vid!!! Poor dog!!!
    Do you really think this is funny? What is YOUR problem???
    Stravo and sorry

    • Posted October 3, 2017 at 12:33 am | Permalink

      Tina, why were you horrified watching the vid and why do you think I have a problem? Clicker training is a well established method which is good for the dog. Read a little bit about it, for example here. I NEVER EVER hit the dog or punish it in any way. I only use positive reinforcement and I think it works. So, please tell me more why you think the dog is “poor”. I really value your comments and I want to know your opinion. Thank you!

  3. Tina
    Posted October 4, 2017 at 4:10 pm | Permalink

    Pedrag, do you really want to break his character with this method? Such a nice and lovely dog. Watching his eyes in the vid, did you?!
    The clicks makes him nervous. He is a Sheepdog and very sensible hearing sounds (clicks). Go out in the forest or a large meadow with him as often to make him lucky. Train him to come back (will be easy) and everything else -but not more than twice days in a week. That’s important. He is very intelligent and it needs less time to tell him!
    If you go on with your method your dog will start to bite strange people when he is adult and frightened. Be sure!

    Solved your new Even/Odd Samurai puzzle. A very good idea!!!
    First I thought it is easy, but I would say “Thinker” now.
    Please give me more of them!

    • Posted October 5, 2017 at 2:17 am | Permalink

      Tina, I really appreciate your concern and your feedback. I didn’t invent this clicker training method. It is a well established method for bringing up a happy dog. Or that’s what I’ve been told. And I’ve met a few dogs who have been clicker-trained and they do not bite, I promise you. They listen to their owners and do what they are told. I don’t know. Again, I really appreciate your feedback and it makes me worried. I don’t know what to do.

      There will be more partial Odd/Even puzzles in the future. I’m glad we agree on that 🙂


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