The two anti-chess variants
anti-knight and
anti-camel cannot both exist on a sudoku grid with the standard 3×3 nonets, so I’ve removed the nonets!
 In chess, a knight moves
2 cells horizontally and
1 cell vertically or vise versa. Since this puzzle is anti-knight, none of the red X’s below can contain a 5 because the center cell is 5.
In fairy chess, a camel moves
3 cells horizontally and
1 cell vertically or vise versa. Since this puzzle is anti-camel, none of the brown X’s below can contain a 5 because the center cell is 5.

This puzzle comes in two versions. Here is the
INSANE version:
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)
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To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Click here for theÂ
BRAIN version:
solution – final
This text file contains the codes for the cages in both versions. To make them work with PerfectSudoku, you will need to change the tags at the beginning from 1×9 to 3×3
the solution page shows “5” where the comments at the top of the web page indicate “5” cannot be, so I guess I really do not understand how to play this anti-knight and anti-camel game……
The 5’s that are X’ed out in the example image are in relation to the 5 at the center of that image. Besides attempting to explain the anti-chess variants involved, that image has no relation to the actual puzzle.