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Sudoku Variations

I’ve created numerous variations of Sudoku puzzles. Here is a list of some of them. View a more comprehensive list on the Sudoku Variants page. And then you can find even more of them in the Sample Puzzles category. You can also see my Sudoku Variations books.

Diagonal Sudoku X Compendium

Diagonal Sudoku
Jigsaw Sudoku Compendium, volume 3

Jigsaw Sudoku
Flower  Sudoku and Outside  Sudoku

Flower Sudoku
Outside Sudoku and its variants, vol 2

Outside Sudoku
Non Consecutive Sudoku book, volume 2

Non Consecutive Sudoku
Super Sudoku Quad Samurai Puzzle book

Sudoku Samurai
Sudoku Straights, where Poker meets Sudoku

Sudoku Straights
Tridoku Triangular Sudoku volume 2

Samurai Killer Sudoku book, volume 7

Killer Samurai Sudoku
Killer Sudoku book, large print

Killer Sudoku
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One Comment

  1. Tina
    Posted January 12, 2014 at 8:25 pm | Permalink

    I wish you a healthy and happy New year!

    Waited till christmas vaccation to solve this special book! Always love and enjoy your variation-books! They are the very best!!!
    But I have a request now:
    Sudoku Variations book, First Edition June 2013. Hyper Windoku-puzzles 47. and 48. Pages 37 and 38. The grey shaded cells are missing!!! I’m not a great fan from Facebook, therefore I don’t know, if there was a comment/discussion before?!

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