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Tag Archives: Su Doku

Diagonal Jigsaw Samurai X Sudoku Variant puzzle

When was the last time I posted a Sudoku Variant puzzle for the first time? I can’t remember. Especially a puzzle that is a combination of many popular variations of Su Doku. The reason why I decided to create and post this puzzle is because one of the visitors to this website asked me about […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Responses

Killer Sudoku and Killer Samurai in France

Multimediapress from France have started publishing our puzzles in their monthly magazines. To the best of my knowledge (please correct me if I’m wrong), they are the first in the world to publish Killer Samurai puzzles in press. I wish them good luck and I expect more visitors from France to our site. 🙂 This […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku, Puzzle books | Also tagged , , , , | 8 Responses
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