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Triangular Sudoku variant: TriDoku X

If you can have Diagonal Sudoku or Sudoku X puzzles, why not have a TriDoku X? Although it looks more like a TriDoku *, I decided to keep the “X” in the name. Perhaps it could be called a TriDoku Star? Whatever you call it, I think the additional rules are obvious: in addition to all the triangular nonets, outside and inner edges, hexagons etc., you now have 3 more lines of 9 cells that must follow the no-repeats rule. Those 3 lines are clearly indicated in the puzzle. And by the way: I switched the dark gray and light gray cells. I think the puzzle looks better this way. Let me know what you think. TriDoku X for Thursday, February 18, 2010. Difficulty: BRAIN
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Tridoku , triangular Sudoku

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
I’d like to hear more comments from you! I really need to know how you like these puzzles. If you hate them – tell me. Please! 🙂
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  1. Isabel
    Posted February 18, 2010 at 4:36 pm | Permalink

    The first one was too easy, I thought. The second one a bit more difficult, but not really a challenge. All you have to pay attention to, is which cells have a touching point in common. Not much logic required. (I hope I don’t get shouted at this time, not by you Djape, don’t know who it was)

  2. gvfaker
    Posted February 18, 2010 at 10:37 pm | Permalink

    You are right. The puzzle looks much better switching the dark gray and light gray cells.

One Trackback

  • By Compendiums on February 4, 2014 at 2:16 am

    […] X, and the other half are variants, such as: diagonal jigsaw sudoku, diagonal outside sudoku, diagonal tridoku, diagonal consecutive sudoku […]

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