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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #41 (SPECIAL!)

After a few weeks without Kakuro puzzles, this week I’ve prepared an extra special Kakuro puzzle: it’s a Non-Consecutive, Greater/Less Than, Odd/Even Kakuro puzzle! Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any region. Additional rules: Two consecutive numbers MUST NOT BE placed next to each other horizontally or vertically. Shaded cells MUST contain ODD numbers, cells that are not shaded MUST contain EVEN numbers. If there is an “<" or ">” inequality sign between two cells, then the numbers in those cells must respect that inequality relationship. The puzzle should be relatively easy to solve because of all the additional restrictions. But it’s not too easy! Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any region.

Kakuro 12×15 for Thursday, Jul 24, 2008
(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

To see the solution to this puzzle click here

Find MORE KAKURO puzzles in the Kakuro category

These puzzles are also available to newspapers, magazines and other publishers. Be the first to have my Kakuro puzzles printed!Enjoy!
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One Comment

  1. h3lix
    Posted July 24, 2008 at 11:34 pm | Permalink

    This was a very enjoyable puzzle! Non-Consecutive and Odd/Even work well together.

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