This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Site statistics

I can proudly announce that in the past 24hrs there have been 400 unique visitors to my website and more than 2200 page views. The number of unique visitors has quadrupled in just one week. For some these might be modest figures, but considering how long has this site been online and most importantly keeping in mind that Google still hasn’t indexed the whole site so I have no referrals from Google, I think it’s a good indication that people like my Killer Sudoku and other puzzles. Thanks for your support so far, it’s greatly appreciated. To show my appreciation in a better way, I will post a super special puzzle later today, something that as far as I know hasn’t been seen in the world of Sudoku. Comments, suggestions, questions?
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