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Random puzzle for today!
FREE Puzzles!
FREE Sudoku variants!
- Butterfly Sudoku
- Clueless Sudoku
- Consecutive Sudoku
- Diagonal Sudoku
- Flower Sudoku
- Frame Sudoku
- Greater than Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Insane Killer Sudoku
- Jigsaw Sudoku
- Killer Samurai Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku 10×10
- Loco Sudoku
- Multi Sudoku
- Non Consecutive Sudoku
- Odd Even Sudoku
- Outside Sudoku
- Sudoku Harakiri
- Sudoku Samurai
- Sudoku Straights
- Super Samurai Sudoku
- TwoDoku
Sample Puzzles!
Tag Archives: Daily Killer
Why do I make puzzles? A brief history of
A short answer to that question would be: because I enjoy doing it! … but here is a long version, too. Back in the summer of 2005 I realized that it’s about time I had my own website. At that point I had been computer programming for years and it kinda made sense that I […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Reviews, Samurai sudoku, Washington Post
Also tagged amazon, BOOK, books, COOL, Daily Killer Sudoku, Diagonal Sudoku, EASY, hanjie, HARD, INSANE, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, overlapping sudoku, puzzle book, puzzle books, review, rule of 45, samurai, Samurai Sudoko, Samurai Sudoku, Samurai Sudokus, technique, variant, Washington Express, Washington Post
6 Responses
Killer Sudoko puzzles are back. Samurai Sudoku will be back tomorrow.
As you have already noticed, the daily killer sudoku puzzles are back. The sudoko variants too. Samuri Sudoku and Diagonal Samurai Sudoko (overlapping Gattai-5 puzzles) are also back and will be updated tomorrow as per schedule. The missing Samurai X will be sent via newsletter. Some of you have already received it. In case you […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku, Newsletters, Samurai sudoku
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, gattai, killer, killer sudoku, samurai, Samurai Sudoko, Samurai Sudoku, variant
2 Responses
Happy New Year! :) (Killer Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku will be updated shortly)
Hi folks! Santa on this website wasn’t very nice to you, was he? Sorry for that… I will talk to him and make sure that as of Thursday, January 5, 2012 you start getting the daily Killer Sudoku, daily Sudoku variants and bi-weekly Samurai Sudoku puzzles again. Happy New Year and best wishes! 🙂 Djape
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, Happy New Year, killer, killer sudoku, New Year, samurai, Samurai Sudoku, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant, Weekly Samurai, Weekly Samurai Sudoku
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Comments on Daily Killer Sudoku and Weekly Samurai Sudoku
Long time ago, some 5 years or so, I closed down the comments on the daily killer sudoku page and the samurai sudoku page. Why I did that? Because there were too many comments and the pages were loading very slowly. This was probably the worst and most stupid thing I’ve done with this website, […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, FREE, killer, killer sudoku, samurai, Samurai Sudoko, Samurai Sudoku, Weekly Samurai, Weekly Samurai Sudoku, ZERO
2 Responses
Changes on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page
A few of you have noticed that there are no more .txt files on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page. For several reasons I had to remove them and do not intend to bring them back. I should also let you know that there will be more changes on the entire website in 2011. You can […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku, Newsletters
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku
5 Responses

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants, Samurai sudoku
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku, rules, samurai, Samurai Sudoku, Weekly Samurai, Weekly Samurai Sudoku
10 Responses
Daily puzzles have been updated
Sorry folks for this glitch and for missing out on the yesterday’s puzzle. I’ve updated both the Daily Killer Sudoku and the Daily Sudoku variation pages with new puzzles. Everything is back to normal now. 🙂
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku
Also tagged Daily Killer Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku
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Daily Sudoku puzzles are back
So sorry about the problem with the Daily sudoku puzzles which were pointing to Daily Killer puzzles. I have fixed the problem and you can get a Hyper or Jigsaw or Consecutive or Non-consecutive sudoku puzzle every day on the Daily Sudoku variants page.
Posted in General, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged CONSECUTIVE, Consecutive Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, killer, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
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Zero Killer Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged CONSECUTIVE, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, hyper sudoku, IQ, Jigsaw Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku, rules, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant, Weekend Special, windoku, ZERO, Zero Killer, Zero Killer Sudoku
9 Responses
Daily Consecutive/Non-consecutive puzzles
Well, it’ time to revive the “Daily Sudoku variants” page. First of all, that page has been renamed to “(Non)consecutive”. Since this variation of Sudoku puzzles has proven to be more popular than odd/even and greater/less than, I have decided to give you one such puzzle every day, Monday to Friday. Hardest puzzles (IQ/Insane) will […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged CONSECUTIVE, Daily Killer Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, greater/less, HARD, INSANE, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, odd/even, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
3 Responses