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Random puzzle for today!
FREE Puzzles!
FREE Sudoku variants!
- Butterfly Sudoku
- Clueless Sudoku
- Consecutive Sudoku
- Diagonal Sudoku
- Flower Sudoku
- Frame Sudoku
- Greater than Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Insane Killer Sudoku
- Jigsaw Sudoku
- Killer Samurai Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku 10×10
- Loco Sudoku
- Multi Sudoku
- Non Consecutive Sudoku
- Odd Even Sudoku
- Outside Sudoku
- Sudoku Harakiri
- Sudoku Samurai
- Sudoku Straights
- Super Samurai Sudoku
- TwoDoku
Sample Puzzles!
Tag Archives: free puzzle
Odd Even Sudoku
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate this day! 🙂 As a small gift for you, I’ve prepared an odd-even sudoku variation puzzle. It’s not the first odd even puzzle I ever posted, but it is the first plain odd even sudoku. And to spice things up a little bit, this is a very difficult odd/even […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged BOOK, EASY, free puzzles, INSANE, IQ, Merry Christmas, odd even, odd/even, solving technique, swordfish, technique
4 Responses
Outside Twodoku
Here is something completely new! 🙂 A new variant of Sudoku puzzles, previously unseen anywhere! Two overlapping Outside Sudoku puzzles arranged in the Twodoku format. What else needs to be said? 🙂 Well, just that some clues had to be left on the inside, too. Those are regular Sudoku clues and you use them as […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged BOOK, Outside Sudoku, twodoku, variant
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Sudoku Variants are back
Just a quick note to everyone that the puzzles on the Sudoku Variants page are back. Also, today I’m sending out the newsletter with a new free puzzle. Sign up now! 🙂
Posted in General, Newsletters, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged FREE, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
1 Response
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