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Tag Archives: hidden subsets

Classic Sudoku Solving Techniques

It’s about time I finally explained the basic (and most common) Sudoku solving techniques. Most of you are already familiar with these, but for those who aren’t – I’d like to show my explanation. These techniques are used in ALL sudoku puzzles – Classic, Killer, Samurai and others. Make sure you fully understand them before […]
Posted in Samurai sudoku, Solving tips | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Responses

Samurai Sudoku rules

I’ve been asked a few times to post some Samurai sudoku solving tips. Well – there aren’t any special tips that apply exclusively to Samurai. Standard Sudoku rules apply, but to make things clear for newcomers, I’d like to give a brief set of instructions. Rules of Samurai Sudoku 1. Each Samurai Sudoku puzzle consists […]
Posted in Samurai sudoku, Solving tips | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 48 Responses

Puzzle difficulty

First of all, I posted a Killer X puzzle rated THINKER for today. I would like to know how difficult you find this one. Regarding the INSANE puzzle posted on Friday – I see that there has been a lot of discussion regarding it’s difficulty and the difficulty of some other puzzles posted last week. […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Responses
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