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The Washington Post restarts with my Samurai Sudokus!

Good news folks! 🙂 The Washington Post have decided to restart printing my Samurai Sudoku puzzles in their Comics section of the Sunday issue… thanks to YOU! Apparently the readers have been clamoring for the return of Samurais and the editors had no other choice but to change their minds only a month after they decided to stop. This makes me really proud and I don’t know how to thank you folks. I’m still uncertain when precisely will the first puzzle be printed, but I think it will be 10 days from now, on Sunday, February 14. Stay tuned for confirmation of this. UPDATE: I just found out that The Washington Post will restart with my Samurais on Sunday, February 28, 2010!
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  1. Posted February 9, 2010 at 4:04 pm | Permalink

    Hallelujah! When I discovered my Sunday Samurai Sudoku had been replaced, I immediately sent the Wash Post an email complaining. If I had wanted to solve their replacement puzzle, I could have gained much practice by solving their on-line “mega” version. However, I never became hooked on that puzzle. Imagine my disappointment when they dropped the Samurai Sudoku.

  2. dave
    Posted February 28, 2010 at 4:57 pm | Permalink

    Yep, they did publish a Samurai Sudoku from you. Wonderful, wonderful!!

    Let’s hope it is a “restart”, not just a one-off. The Post has become a weird paper over the last couple of years, dropping popular comics, columns, news, combining sections, stopping sections, firing ALL its editors, and stopping use of spell and grammar checkers.

  3. Posted February 28, 2010 at 5:50 pm | Permalink

    Dave, thanks for your comment. As I don’t live in Washington and I don’t have a copy of today’s paper, could you please let me know if there is “” printed next to the puzzle?

    Thanks in advance!

  4. Sandy
    Posted March 2, 2010 at 4:02 pm | Permalink

    Now if only we could see the solution to Feb. 28th’s Samurai! And, yes, they always print “” by the puzzles.

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