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Zero Trigons

Hi folks, it’s been a while! What can I say? I’ll try to be more regular with new puzzle updates, but I can’t promise anything. New puzzle books are coming soon, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, here is a new Trigons puzzle. And it’s first of its kind – it’s a zero trigons! This means that the sum of some trigons is not shown in the puzzle, it is up to you to completely figure them out. Ok, you might need a crash course in trigons. Here are the Trigons rules: Let’s repeat all rules of Trigons: 1. For this puzzle, use digits 0 to 5 to solve it. 2. The numbers given in the puzzle represent the sum of the three digits on the sides of the corresponding triangle. 3. Your goal is to fill in the numbers on the sides so that they add up to the given sum for that trigon (triangle). 4. Numbers CAN BE REPEATED a triangle. 5. Each sum combination MUST BE USED EXACTLY ONCE! All triangle sum combinations are given below the grid so when you use one, cross it off. 6. If a trigon shares only one side with the rest of the puzzle, the other two sides of the trigon must be equal, i.e. must be solved using the same number. Such trigons are called “pointed tips“. 7. If a sum is not shown in a triangle, you must figure it out by eliminating all other possibilities. It still MUST BE ONE OF THE SUMS listed below the grid, and of course, the sum combination cannot be repeated.

Free Zero Trigons Puzzle with pointed tips

(click to download or right-click to save the image!)

Big book of big Trigons triangular sudoku trianglons puzzles

To see the solution to this puzzle click here
Does this make the puzzle too difficult? Please share your thoughts.
This entry was posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle books, Puzzle variants. Bookmark the permalink. Post a comment or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.


  1. allymarie
    Posted May 6, 2016 at 5:04 pm | Permalink

    I didn’t think I could love Trigons any more than I already do, but this variations is great!! Loved the challenge!! Can we expect to see some of these Zero Trigons included in a future Trigons book, or maybe a whole book of Zero Trigons?

    • Posted May 11, 2016 at 1:26 am | Permalink

      Certainly! 🙂 And the new Trigons book is coming VERY SOON!

2 Trackbacks

  • By Free Zero Trigons Puzzle on May 21, 2017 at 4:44 am

    […] It will be another Zero Trigons Puzzle! […]

  • By Little book of Trigons puzzles on June 28, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    […] the puzzles this summer. 10 puzzles are 0 to 5 and out of those 10, 9 of them are the so called Zero Trigons, which are more difficult to solve! Then, there are 53 “standard” trigons, 0 to 6 in […]

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