This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Daily Consecutive/Non-consecutive puzzles

Well, it’ time to revive the “Daily Sudoku variants” page. First of all, that page has been renamed to “(Non)consecutive”. Since this variation of Sudoku puzzles has proven to be more popular than odd/even and greater/less than, I have decided to give you one such puzzle every day, Monday to Friday. Hardest puzzles (IQ/Insane) will be posted Mondays and easiest puzzles will be posted on Fridays, to balance out the difficulty of Daily Killer Sudoku puzzles. I hope you will enjoy these puzzles too!
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  1. Andy
    Posted March 6, 2007 at 10:09 pm | Permalink

    Thanks for bringing this page back! I definitely enjoyed the variety of the puzzles being posted as “Daily Sudoku” many months ago, and am glad to see this started up again, particularly as the consecutive variant is my favorite. (non- not so much, but I’m not complaining!) I also remember some experiments with 2-overlapping-grid types etc. on that page, love to see more of those..

    Oh and after 2 weeks of hard->easy, it looks like this week has flipped easy->hard?

    Thanks again!

  2. Chris Robinson
    Posted March 30, 2007 at 9:38 am | Permalink

    But it would be nice if there was an archive of the consecutive / non-consecutive puzzles a la Daily Killer archive

  3. Jane Smith
    Posted March 8, 2008 at 4:41 am | Permalink

    It would be nice if there was an archive of the consecutive / non-consecutive puzzles a la Daily Killer archive

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