This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Trigons with pointed tips

I’m becoming very fond of making Trigons puzzles, so expect lots of them here in the future! This one I’m posting now is a Trigon puzzle with POINTED TIPS, lonely triangles which share only one side with the rest of the puzzle and the other two sides are not adjacent to any other trigon. In order for this kind of trigons to have a unique solution, there is an extra rule of trigons, which says:
If a trigon shares only one side with the rest of the puzzle, the other two sides of the trigon must be equal, i.e. must be solved using the same number!
Let’s repeat all other rules of Trigons:

The rules of Trigons puzzles

1. For this puzzle, use digits 0 to 6 to solve it. 2. The numbers given in the puzzle represent the sum of the three digits on the sides of the corresponding triangle. 3. Your objective of course is to fill in the numbers on the sides so that they add up to the given sum for that trigon (triangle). 4. Numbers CAN BE REPEATED in any triangle. 5. Each sum combination MUST BE USED EXACTLY ONCE! All triangle sum combinations are given below the grid so when you use one, cross it off. I’m still working on determining the difficulty of each trigons puzzle, so I still won’t say how difficult this one is – I want to hear from you whether you find it difficult or not. I think it’s a bit easier than the first one.

Free Trigons Puzzle with pointed tips – difficulty UNKNOWN

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Big book of big Trigons triangular sudoku trianglons puzzles

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle variants | Tagged , , , | 8 Responses


Are you ready for a SERIOUS puzzle challenge? 🙂 These puzzles have been around for a while and they somewhat resemble Tridoku, both in their appearance and in their name. However, trigons are completely different. These puzzles with lots of triangles are called Trigons and they are not Sudoku. Sometimes they are also referred to as Trianglons. They have something in common with Killer Sudoku, because you are dealing with sums of numbers.

The rules of Trigons are:

1. Use digits 0 to 6 to solve the puzzle. 2. The numbers given in the puzzle represent the sum of the three digits on the side of the corresponding triangle. 3. Your objective of course is to match those sums. 4. Numbers CAN BE repeated in one triangle. 5. Each sum combination MUST BE USED ONCE and not more than once. All triangle sum combinations are given below the grid so when you use one, cross it off. I will soon start posting tips on how to solve trigons. Basically, start with the 0 and the 18 and then analyze which sum combination can go where depending on the neighboring sums. DO NOT GUESS! Look for two adjacent sums which differ by a large number – the possibilities are usually very limited. And don’t guess, please! 🙂 Trigons come in different shapes and sizes and if you have a particular shape which you prefer, please let me know.

Free Trigons Puzzle – difficulty UNKNOWN

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Big book of big Trigons triangular sudoku trianglons puzzles

Please help me determine the difficulty. Have I overdone it again?
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants | Tagged , , , , | 8 Responses

Zer0 Killer Sudoku

Ok, I know you prefer Killer Sudokus, but I have to introduce new puzzles every once in a while. So, don’t be mad at me, there is something for everyone on this site! This time it’s a Killer. And it’s a Zer0. See the 0 in Zer0? It means it’s not a regular Zero Killer Sudoku, but it’s a 10×10 Zero Killer in which you use all 10 digits, from 0 to 9! The rule of 45 applies, but be careful when you analyze the sums! For example, 3 over two cells can now also be 0+3, not just 1+2! I tried not to make it too difficult, which means that half of you will complain that it’s too easy. What can I do?

Zer0 Killer Sudoku – difficulty BRAIN

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Zero Killer Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Tagged | Leave a comment

Number Fill-Ins

I’ve been quiet for some time because I’ve been working on my thesis diligently. Anyway… it’s time for a new free sample puzzle for you. 🙂 This time it’s a number fill-in puzzle. I started making them only recently, so I’m very keen to hear from you how you like them. Is this puzzle I’m posting now too easy or too difficult or just right? The rules of fill-ins are simple: fill the grid with the numbers listed below. Each number must be used precisely once. You must place them either horizontally or vertically. Just like in crosswords, but here you are crossing the numbers instead. How do you proceed in solving them? Well, you must start with a little bit of “what if”. For example, in this puzzle there are only 2 numbers with 10 digits. See where they can fit in the grid and check the perpendicular intersecting sequences to see if there are listed numbers that conform with the 10 digit number. In other words, is there another number that can be crossed with the 10 digit number. If there isn’t, it means that the 10 digit number must go into the only other possible spot in the grid. So… here it is… please comment if you like it or not and how difficult was it for you.

Free Number Fill In puzzle

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Number Fill Ins Very Large Print Puzzle Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle variants | 3 Responses

Frame Jigsaw Sudoku

Here is another Frame Sudoku Sums puzzle, this time in Jigsaw Sudoku format! So, two distinct sudoku variants merged into one puzzle. Hard to find anywhere else but here, folks! 🙂 Let’s quickly recap the rules: the numbers outside of the grid tell you the sum of the 3 numbers closest to it. In a way this is similar to Outside Sudoku, but here you must process the sums of 3 numbers (always 3!), hence it is more a sudoku killer variant. The rest of the rules are standard rules of Irregular Sudoku Jigsaw. I tried not to make it too difficult this time… it’s only rated COOL. What do you think? Easier? More difficult? Just right? And would you prefer them more difficult than this?

Sum Frame Jigsaw Sudoku – difficulty COOL

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle Book

Posted in General, Jigsaw Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Tagged , | 2 Responses

Non Consecutive and Consecutive Sudoku

Here is another multi sudoku puzzle, although this one consists of just two overlapping sub puzzles with very similar rules. Top puzzle is non consecutive sudoku. Again, as many times before, I warn you: it looks like just vanilla sudoku, but you must follow an additional rule: two consecutive numbers cannot be placed orthogonally next to each other. The bottom puzzle is consecutive sudoku. Here, the cells with consecutive numbers are connected with a horizontal or vertical bar. If there is no bar – the two cells must not contain consecutive numbers (just like in non-cons sudoku). Got it? 🙂 What do you make of these? Would you like to see them in a sudoku book? 🙂

Consecutive and Non Consecutive Sudoku Mix – DIFFICULTY BRAIN

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Non Consecutive Sudoku book, volume 2

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Responses

Word Search

Number puzzles (sudoku, kakuro, calcudoku and others) and logic puzzles (picross, for example) is what I’ve been focusing on since 2005. I’ve never created any puzzles with words. Well, that’s about to change! I’m ready to present you with my first ever Word Search puzzle (aka Word Find, Word Sleuth, Word Seek or Mystery Word)! This is my newest addition. I have, as you know, created number search puzzles before and published a book of number searches. I’m sure any puzzle lover has encountered Word Sleuth puzzles before, but just to make things clear: you are provided with a grid of seemingly random letters, with a word list below the grid. Your objective is to find those words in the grid! The words can be laid out in any of the four directions: horizontal, vertical, left diagonal, right diagonal, but they can also be spelled backwards, so there are, effectively, 8 ways a word can be hidden in the grid! Each word appears only once in the grid. And to make things more interesting… when you complete the grid and find all words, some of the letters will not belong to any of the words you found! Those remaining letters form another word, which represents the solution of the puzzle! This first word search puzzle I’m posting has the name of all kinds of Dog breeds hidden inside; also, the solution of the puzzle reveals another dog breed!

Word Search Puzzles – DIFFICULT!

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Zigzag Word Searches Puzzle Book for Seniors

Please let me know what you think of these and how do you like this particular one! Thanks!
Posted in Free sample puzzles | 5 Responses

Loco Sudoku

Are you ready for this!? 🙂 After my first Multi Sudoku, here is another one… this time I labeled it “Loco Sudoku”, because, really, it is MAD! 🙂 Just as in the first Multi puzzle I posted, this is a Sudoku Samurai variation, where each constituent overlapping sub puzzle has different rules. This time they are extra special: It doesn’t get much more crazy than this, folks! Gattai-5 sudoku multi variation puzzle! Again… determining the difficulty of these puzzles is tricky. You need various skills to solve them. I labeled it IQ again, but it really isn’t too hard. Hopefully. 🙂 I really think this is the next big thing in the Sudoku world. What do you think?

Multi Loco Sudoku Samurai – difficulty IQ

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Multi Sudoku Samurai Loco Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Tagged , | 7 Responses

Lateral Thinking

I just came across this brainy joke and thought why not share it with you. It’s a nice example of lateral thinking. 🙂 Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks “Do all of you want a drink?” The first logician says “I don’t know.” The second logician says “I don’t know.” The third logician says “Yes!” Get it? 🙂
Posted in General | 1 Response

Multi Sudoku

Ladies and gentlemen! 🙂 I am really pleased to present you with a unique puzzle. Perhaps you might think this is nothing special, but for me it is, it was not so easy to make this! It’s my first ever MULTI SUDOKU (SAMURAI)! It is sometimes also referred to as “Loco Sudoku” and it sure is “loco”, i.e. CRAZY! Do you have other suggestions for the name? It is, essentially a Samurai Sudoku puzzle. However, all 5 sub-puzzles are different sudoku variants with different rules! In this particular one, it goes like this:
  • The central sub-puzzle is Non Consecutive Sudoku. This is crucial, because it looks like ordinary sudoku, but it is not! You cannot place two consecutive numbers inside the central sub-puzzle!
  • Top left is Jigsaw Sudoku.
  • Top Right is Diagonal Sudoku.
  • Bottom Left is Hyper Sudoku Windoku.
  • Bottom Right is Consecutive Sudoku. If there is a horizontal or a vertical bar between two cells, then the numbers inside them must be consecutive. If there is no such bar, the numbers must be non consecutive.
Get it? 🙂 UPDATE: The solution has been updated. 🙂 The puzzle is rated IQ but it’s not all that hard… I think. 🙂 Hint: Don’t start with the Hyper or the Non-cons!

Multi Sudoku Samurai – difficulty IQ

Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Multi Sudoku LOCO Sudoku, volume 2

Oh, and don’t be confused… each sub-puzzle cannot be solved independently! If you try that, you will get multiple solutions! However, the whole puzzle does have a unique solution! So you must work on the puzzle as a whole. Read the Samurai Sudoku rules first!
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Tagged , | 4 Responses
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