This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Tag Archives: killer sudoku

Zero Killer Sudoku 10×10

As promised, I am starting posting all sorts of puzzles here on the main page, on a semi-regular basis (2-3 times a week). And since today is Saturday, which used to be the day for Killer Sudoku 10×10 and tomorrow is Sunday, which used to be the day for Zero Killer Sudoku puzzles, quite appropriately, […]
Zero Killer Sudoku, volume 2

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , | 2 Responses

Where are the daily puzzles gone?

Dear all, First I must apologize for keeping you in the dark regarding what’s going on with the daily puzzles. The truth is that I’ve been working hard on my PhD thesis and just had no time to update the daily and weekly puzzles pages. Now… the daily Killer Sudoku, the daily Sudoku variants and […]
Posted in General | Also tagged , , , , , , , , | 10 Responses

Killer Sudoku on Saturdays!

I should’ve announced this before, but was too busy making the sudoku variants book. So… As of today, every Saturday on the Killer Sudoku page a Killer Sudoku 10×10 will be posted! Almost 8 years after I started posting daily killer sudokus, now there will be a Sumdoku puzzle on Saturdays, too! Remember to add […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , | 1 Response

Killer Sudoku 10×10

When was the last time I posted a Killer Sudoku variant puzzle for the first time? I can’t remember. Well, nearly 8 years (I’m a bit slow, you know) after publishing first Killer Sudoku, it occurred to me that there is no reason not to add the 0 into play. So… ladies and gentleman… a […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , | 14 Responses


Kenkuro puzzles are something that I invented (or at least haven’t seen them elsewhere) and I will try to promote them more. So, starting January 1, 2013, there will be another daily page with Kenkuros! Here is a sample Kenkuro for today. I will also send it later today in the newsletter. Kenkuro – a […]
Kakuro  and Kenkuro  book, 200 puzzles

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Kakuro | Also tagged , , , | 1 Response

Introducing Kenkuro puzzles

In my previous newsletter I sent out a puzzle that is very special because it’s a completely new kind of puzzle. It wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t share it with all of you. So, if you want to see what the puzzle is and if you like either Kakuro or Calcudoku or Killer Sudoku, […]
Posted in Kakuro | Also tagged , , , , , | 2 Responses

Insane Killer Sudoku – by Daniel Skillin

Today we have an extra special puzzle – a Killer Sudoku puzzle by a guest author. It’s been a while since I last posted such a puzzle. I really appreciate the enthusiasm of the visitors to my site and your efforts to make good quality puzzles and share them with others. Today’s puzzle was created […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , | 1 Response

Why do I make puzzles? A brief history of

A short answer to that question would be: because I enjoy doing it! … but here is a long version, too. Back in the summer of 2005 I realized that it’s about time I had my own website. At that point I had been computer programming for years and it kinda made sense that I […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Reviews, Samurai sudoku, Washington Post | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 6 Responses

Killer Sudoko puzzles are back. Samurai Sudoku will be back tomorrow.

As you have already noticed, the daily killer sudoku puzzles are back. The sudoko variants too. Samuri Sudoku and Diagonal Samurai Sudoko (overlapping Gattai-5 puzzles) are also back and will be updated tomorrow as per schedule. The missing Samurai X will be sent via newsletter. Some of you have already received it. In case you […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku, Newsletters, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Happy New Year! :) (Killer Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku will be updated shortly)

Hi folks! Santa on this website wasn’t very nice to you, was he? Sorry for that… I will talk to him and make sure that as of Thursday, January 5, 2012 you start getting the daily Killer Sudoku, daily Sudoku variants and bi-weekly Samurai Sudoku puzzles again. Happy New Year and best wishes! 🙂 Djape
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment
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