This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Tag Archives: killer sudoku

Comments on Daily Killer Sudoku and Weekly Samurai Sudoku

Long time ago, some 5 years or so, I closed down the comments on the daily killer sudoku page and the samurai sudoku page. Why I did that? Because there were too many comments and the pages were loading very slowly. This was probably the worst and most stupid thing I’ve done with this website, […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Diagonal Killer Samurai Sudoku X – thanks to my Facebook group

On my Killer and Samurai Sudoku fans Facebook page I recently asked members to post a link to this Facebook group on their walls in order to help me promote it. I also decided to award the first poster with a puzzle of their choice. Who was the first one? Well, you can have a […]
Killer Sudoku Samurai: 65 puzzles (Volume 1)

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Response

The June newsletter – INSANE Killer Sudoku puzzle

This is the insane puzzle I tried sending in June. It seems like it didn’t work. Here it is instead. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 🙂 I can’t remember when was the last time I posted an INSANE Killer Sudoku puzzle. The INSANE rating is reserved for puzzles that might require some guessing OR […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Newsletters, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , | 2 Responses

Newsletter problem? Or not?

Yesterday I sent out a newsletter with an INSANE killer sudoku puzzle. However, many e-mails bounced back, so I’m wondering if any of you received it or not? I moved the website to another server recently, so this could be causing problems. Please let me know. 🙂 Thanks!
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , | 23 Responses

Changes on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page

A few of you have noticed that there are no more .txt files on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page. For several reasons I had to remove them and do not intend to bring them back. I should also let you know that there will be more changes on the entire website in 2011. You can […]
Posted in Killer Sudoku, Newsletters | Also tagged , , | 5 Responses

Saturday Special: Anti-King Killer Sudoku

Here’s another Anti-Chess sample puzzle: this one’s a bit harder than the last one. This one’s a HARD (4/5…BRAIN/IQ) Anti-King Killer (this puzzle was originally classified insane, but is actually easier than the insane puzzles in the book) Anti-King means that no two cells one king’s move move away from each other in chess can […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

Overlapping CalcuDoku (Square Wisdom, MathDoku) puzzle

It’s been quite a while since I last posted a CalcuDoku puzzle. I’m going to fix that now and to make it up to you, it will be a somewhat special variant of Square Wisdom puzzles. It’s an overlapping, 2 in 1 (Gattai-2), CalcuDoku puzzle, which is essentially in a TwoDoku layout. Remember the rules: […]
Little CalcuDoku book 150 puzzles

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Triangular Killer Sudoku variant – Killer Tridoku #2

Remember the TriDoku puzzles? Here is a new one. It’s a second one in Killer format, give it a try! Killer TriDoku puzzles: all standard rules of Killer Sudoku apply + of course the TriDoku rules. TriDoku Killer Sudoku for Monday, February 22, 2010. Difficulty: THINKER (when you click&download the puzzle it won’t look so […]
Tridoku , triangular Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , | 2 Responses

Triangular Killer Sudoku – or simply – Killer TriDoku

In case you didn’t see this one coming, well then… you don’t know me and should be coming to this site more often! 🙂 Killer TriDoku puzzle: all standard rules of Killer Sudoku apply + of course the TriDoku rules. Has anyone else published this kind of puzzle until now? Killer TriDoku for Monday, February […]
Tridoku , triangular Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , | 2 Responses

Killer Sudoku with all operators in TwoDoku format

I don’t think I’ve ever posted a puzzle like this one. Yes it is essentially a Killer puzzle. Yes, it’s also an overlapping sudoku puzzle, Gattai-2 (TwoDoku). But it also has some similarity with Calcudoku puzzles, because you must use all four operators (+, -, *, /). Killer TwoDoku with all ops for Tuesday, February […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , , , , , | 2 Responses
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