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Tag Archives: technique


Here is a puzzle that I think deserves a lot of attention: TriDoku! It’s a great puzzle-type but for some reason it’s very rarely seen in the Sudoku world. I want to change that! Even though it may not appear obvious, there are 81 cells in this puzzle. And there are 9 nonets. Just like […]
Tridoku book Large print

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Responses

Introducing Slitherlink (loop the loop, takegaki, fences, dotty dilemma… you name it)

Another kind of puzzles that I’ve started creating recently… Slitherlink! These puzzles are also known under many different names. Slitherlink puzzles are not a Sudoku variant. They can be of any size and the rules are: 1. Connect the dots to form a single loop with no points of intersection. 2. The clues given tell […]
Tridoku , triangular Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

My first Nurikabe puzzle (a difficult one)

Another addition to my portfolio of various number/logic puzzles are Nurikabe puzzles. I think these puzzles are being undeservedly somewhat neglected in the puzzle world and I intend to change that. The number of solving techniques and approaches that can be found in Nurikabe puzzles far exceeds any other puzzle type. For me it was […]
Difficult Nurikabe book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, General, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , | 14 Responses

How to solve Hitori: basic techniques

Solving Hitori puzzles is about recognizing patterns. I will show you some examples of those patterns. They can be split into two groups, one of those that depend solely on the initial positioning of numbers, and another group of patterns that depend on the black and white cells which have been painted in the solving […]
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How to solve Hidoku: “cornering” (or “dead-end”)

Here is an explanation of a Hidato solving technique that some people might find obvious and they use it without even thinking of it as a special technique. But, for those who still struggle with the more difficult puzzles, here is a quick guide of the technique that I call “cornering“. It can be used […]
Posted in Puzzle variants, Solving tips | Also tagged , , , , , | 2 Responses

Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #3

This puzzle requires you to use the “Innies/Outies” technique. I hope you are familiar with it. I might post an explanation of this technique soon. Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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The Law of Leftovers (LOL)

I promised to explain this technique, which applies to Jigsaw Sudoku (aka irregular blocks) puzzles, a while ago, so it’s time to keep the promise. You can find the same technique explained on various other sites, too. This technique is somewhat similar to innies/outies which is used for solving Killer Sudoku puzzles, but there is […]
Posted in Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Solving tips | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Responses

Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku

It has been hinted that this kind of puzzle was going to be posted soon – and to end the suspense, here it is! 🙂 My first ever Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku! Not so many sites produce these puzzles. I might consider including them more often, or maybe even on a regular basis. We’ll see. Jigsaw […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , | 7 Responses


Ok, this time I will show you a hanjie puzzle that is relatively straightforward until halfway through the puzzle you come to a point where you have to use one advanced solving technique. It will be explained in detail in the next few days. Until then – try to solve it yourself! UPDATE: There is […]
Big Picross Hanjie Griddlers Nonograms Oekaki Japanese Picture puzzles book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Picross | Also tagged , , , , , | 1 Response

Butterfly Killer Sudoku X

It’s been a while since I last posted a Butterfly Killer, let alone one with the “X” factor. So, here it is – and to spice it up a little, I made it quite hard (altho I expect someone to get back in 20 minutes and say it was way too easy). So, you get […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

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