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Category Archives: Kakuro

Play online or print Kakuro puzzles, also known as Cross Sums. Kakuro books available, too.

Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #5

Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any region.Kakuro 15×15 for Thursday, Oct 18, 2007Difficulty: Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.Find MORE KAKURO puzzles in the Kakuro categoryThese puzzles are […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #4 – (special!)

Ok, after all Sudoku variations that I have produced, here is my first Kakuro variation. It’s a NON-CONSECUTIVE Kakuro! Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any region. IMPORTANT: In this particular puzzle, […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #3

This puzzle requires you to use the “Innies/Outies” technique. I hope you are familiar with it. I might post an explanation of this technique soon. Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #2

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of my first truly “INSANE” Killer Sudoku, posted on September 27, 2005, this week’s Kakuro is rather large and fairly difficult. Let me know how you like it. Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #1

This is my first Weekly Kakuro, which, like I said, from now on will be posted every Thursday. I’m still struggling to determine their difficulty, but they will usually be very difficult. Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Nearly two years after I posted my first Killer Sudoku puzzle, I’d like to present you with it’s sibbling, my first ever Kakuro! For whatever the reason, I haven’t shown interest in these puzzles until recently. I thought I’d give them a go and here is the result. To be honest, knowing a thing or […]
Medium Hard Kakuro Puzzles Book

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Advanced Sudoku and Kakuro

Since my Sudoku K book is still a few months away, it is time to introduce another book with my Killer Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku puzzles and puzzles from other puzzle creators. The book I’m talking about is called “Teach Yourself: Advanced Sudoku and Kakuro” by Nick ‘Afka’ Thomas. A few words about the author […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku, Puzzle books, Samurai sudoku | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Responses
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