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FREE Puzzles!
FREE Sudoku variants!
- Butterfly Sudoku
- Clueless Sudoku
- Consecutive Sudoku
- Diagonal Sudoku
- Flower Sudoku
- Frame Sudoku
- Greater than Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Insane Killer Sudoku
- Jigsaw Sudoku
- Killer Samurai Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku 10×10
- Loco Sudoku
- Multi Sudoku
- Non Consecutive Sudoku
- Odd Even Sudoku
- Outside Sudoku
- Sudoku Harakiri
- Sudoku Samurai
- Sudoku Straights
- Super Samurai Sudoku
- TwoDoku
Sample Puzzles!
Category Archives: Newsletters
Killer Sudoko puzzles are back. Samurai Sudoku will be back tomorrow.
As you have already noticed, the daily killer sudoku puzzles are back. The sudoko variants too. Samuri Sudoku and Diagonal Samurai Sudoko (overlapping Gattai-5 puzzles) are also back and will be updated tomorrow as per schedule. The missing Samurai X will be sent via newsletter. Some of you have already received it. In case you […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku, Samurai sudoku
Tagged Daily Killer, Daily Killer Sudoku, gattai, killer, killer sudoku, samurai, Samurai Sudoko, Samurai Sudoku, variant
2 Responses
The June newsletter – INSANE Killer Sudoku puzzle

Also posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Tagged BOOK, books, INSANE, killer, killer sudoku, puzzle book, puzzle books
2 Responses
Sudoku Variants are back
Just a quick note to everyone that the puzzles on the Sudoku Variants page are back. Also, today I’m sending out the newsletter with a new free puzzle. Sign up now! 🙂
Also posted in General, Sudoku Variants
Tagged FREE, free puzzle, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
1 Response
Changes on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page
A few of you have noticed that there are no more .txt files on the “Daily Killer Sudoku” page. For several reasons I had to remove them and do not intend to bring them back. I should also let you know that there will be more changes on the entire website in 2011. You can […]
Also posted in Killer Sudoku
Tagged Daily Killer, Daily Killer Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku
5 Responses
Newsletters restarted
This is just to let you know that I’ve restarted with my newsletters and now they will be sent on regular basis, 2-3 times a month. Also, you should know that as of today’s newsletter you will be receiving one BONUS PUZZLE in each newsletter, which will not be available on the website. So, if […]
Newsletter #1 – August 2009
With a couple of months delay, I’ve created my first newsletter. It is available here. These newsletters will be sent out monthly by e-mail to those who sign up. You can sign up by submitting your e-mail address in the box in the left-hand navigation pane (above the book cover pages) or by sending me […]