This is the insane puzzle I tried sending in June. It seems like it didn’t work. Here it is instead.
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? 🙂 I can’t remember when was the last time I posted an INSANE Killer Sudoku puzzle.
The INSANE rating is reserved for puzzles that might require some guessing OR that are not solvable using the standard methods. Therefore, solving this puzzle that I’m sending now should only be attempted by experienced solvers. Don’t be surprised if you can’t solve it, it is meant to be extremely difficult. Then, again, I’m sure that some of you will reply to me saying something like “this is NOT INSANE, I solved it in 20 minutes!!!”. 🙂 Oh well, I tried my best.
By the way, I DO NOT publish INSANE puzzles in my books.
Anyway, here is the puzzle.
(remember to click on “show images” in your e-mail software)
Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle.
Oh and since the summer is around the corner, think about stocking up on puzzle books for your holidays!
Thanks and enjoy! 🙂