This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Tag Archives: rules

Triangular Sudoku variant: TriDoku X

If you can have Diagonal Sudoku or Sudoku X puzzles, why not have a TriDoku X? Although it looks more like a TriDoku *, I decided to keep the “X” in the name. Perhaps it could be called a TriDoku Star? Whatever you call it, I think the additional rules are obvious: in addition to […]
Tridoku , triangular Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , | 3 Responses

Outside Consecutive Sudoku

Here is another variant of Outside Sudoku puzzles: a consecutive Sudoku. I’m sure you are aware of the rules, but lets repeat that the numbers in cells that are connected by the pipe “|” symbol MUST BE CONSECUTIVE. Numbers is cell that are have no pipe symbol between them MUST NOT BE CONSECUTIVE, they have […]
Outside Sudoku Compendium 130 puzzles

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , | 2 Responses


Here is a puzzle that I think deserves a lot of attention: TriDoku! It’s a great puzzle-type but for some reason it’s very rarely seen in the Sudoku world. I want to change that! Even though it may not appear obvious, there are 81 cells in this puzzle. And there are 9 nonets. Just like […]
Tridoku book Large print

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 11 Responses

Introducing Slitherlink (loop the loop, takegaki, fences, dotty dilemma… you name it)

Another kind of puzzles that I’ve started creating recently… Slitherlink! These puzzles are also known under many different names. Slitherlink puzzles are not a Sudoku variant. They can be of any size and the rules are: 1. Connect the dots to form a single loop with no points of intersection. 2. The clues given tell […]
Trigons book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

Outside Jigsaw Sudoku

Another novelty in 2010 – Outside Jigsaw Sudoku. Read the rules of Outside Sudoku first. And then, twist it a little – it’s a Jigsaw (Irregular) Sudoku puzzle! UPDATE: One clarification about the rules of Outside Jigsaw Sudokus: The clues tell you which numbers appear in the 3 closest cells in that row/column. They are […]
Jigsaw Sudoku Puzzle Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , | 4 Responses


As you may have noticed, I’ve changed things a little on the site, by removing some of the daily puzzles. While Daily Killer Sudoku and Daily Sudoku variation will remain, as well as bi-Weekly Samurai Sudoku, all other puzzles will be posted here, on the main page of the site. Expect at least a couple […]
Difficult Nurikabe book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , | 10 Responses

Outside Sudoku

Here is something new (for this site) for the New Year: Outside Sudoku. This puzzle is also shown today on the Daily Sudoku variants page, but I thought I should properly introduce it. The rules: 1. For the 9×9 grid all standard Sudoku rules apply. However, you don’t have any starting clues in there! 2. […]
Flower  Sudoku and Outside  Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, General, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , | 17 Responses

My first Nurikabe puzzle (a difficult one)

Another addition to my portfolio of various number/logic puzzles are Nurikabe puzzles. I think these puzzles are being undeservedly somewhat neglected in the puzzle world and I intend to change that. The number of solving techniques and approaches that can be found in Nurikabe puzzles far exceeds any other puzzle type. For me it was […]
Difficult Nurikabe book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, General, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , | 14 Responses


UPDATE: After some debate with udosuk (see comments), I’ve decided to adopt the rule that every cell must be either black or white, it can’t be left “undecided”. I’ve changed the original puzzle accordingly so you can download it now. At the end of last year, I announced that I will be introducing more types […]

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Puzzle variants | Also tagged , , | 7 Responses

Sudoku Straights

It’s only Wednesday, but I decided to present you with another Sudoku Straights puzzle. Remember that they are shown every Friday on the Daily Sudoku variants page. The rules: 1. Use numbers 1-9. Numbers cannot be repeated in rows/columns. 2. There are no nonets (3×3 boxes) like in other Sudoku puzzles. 3. Black cells do […]
Sudoku Straights, where Poker meets Sudoku

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , | 6 Responses
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