This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Category Archives: Samurai sudoku

Sudoku Samurai puzzles and variants thereof, including Killer Samurai Sudoku, Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku and others.

Happy New Year! :) (Killer Sudoku and Samurai Sudoku will be updated shortly)

Hi folks! Santa on this website wasn’t very nice to you, was he? Sorry for that… I will talk to him and make sure that as of Thursday, January 5, 2012 you start getting the daily Killer Sudoku, daily Sudoku variants and bi-weekly Samurai Sudoku puzzles again. Happy New Year and best wishes! 🙂 Djape
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Samurai Sudoku: Brilliant training for the brain and good for relaxation (new review on Amazon)

Here is a new review of The Way of Samurai: 101 puzzles on It’s a 5/5 stars. 🙂 Concerning the training of the brain it was 4 years ago stated in the Danish engineering news that research had found that Sudoku is the best training for the brain. Later there has come another “game” […]
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Comments on Daily Killer Sudoku and Weekly Samurai Sudoku

Long time ago, some 5 years or so, I closed down the comments on the daily killer sudoku page and the samurai sudoku page. Why I did that? Because there were too many comments and the pages were loading very slowly. This was probably the worst and most stupid thing I’ve done with this website, […]
Also posted in General, Killer Sudoku | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Diagonal Killer Samurai Sudoku X – thanks to my Facebook group

On my Killer and Samurai Sudoku fans Facebook page I recently asked members to post a link to this Facebook group on their walls in order to help me promote it. I also decided to award the first poster with a puzzle of their choice. Who was the first one? Well, you can have a […]
Killer Sudoku Samurai: 65 puzzles (Volume 1)

Also posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Response

Diagonal Jigsaw Samurai X Sudoku Variant puzzle

When was the last time I posted a Sudoku Variant puzzle for the first time? I can’t remember. Especially a puzzle that is a combination of many popular variations of Su Doku. The reason why I decided to create and post this puzzle is because one of the visitors to this website asked me about […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

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Jigsaw Sudoku in Flower Sudoku format (5 in 1 Gattai-5)

This should be a tough one – perhaps too tough? It’s only rated “BRAIN”, but the layout makes it quite difficult, I think. 5 overlapping Jigsaw Sudoku puzzles put together in the Flower Sudoku (Gattai-5) layout, which is similar to Samurai Sudoku but not exactly the same. Make sure to use the “Twin Nonets” solving […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

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My puzzles in Washington DC and New York City

This is just a reminder that tomorrow, on Sunday, February 28, 2010, my Samurai Sudoku puzzles will restart in the Comics section of The Washington Post. Also, I am pleased to announce that I’ve made a deal with Kinokuniya bookstore from New York City. They will offer for sale all of my books, all 28 […]
Also posted in Bookstores, Puzzle books, Washington Post | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Responses

The Washington Post restarts with my Samurai Sudokus!

Good news folks! 🙂 The Washington Post have decided to restart printing my Samurai Sudoku puzzles in their Comics section of the Sunday issue… thanks to YOU! Apparently the readers have been clamoring for the return of Samurais and the editors had no other choice but to change their minds only a month after they […]
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OddEven Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku

It’s been a while since I last posted a Samurai Sudoku variant puzzle. Here is a new one. As far as I remember, I never posted such puzzle before. Remember: shaded cells MUST contain only ODD numbers! OddEven Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku for Thursday, January 14, 2010 – Difficulty: COOL. Click on the puzzle thumbnail to […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

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As you may have noticed, I’ve changed things a little on the site, by removing some of the daily puzzles. While Daily Killer Sudoku and Daily Sudoku variation will remain, as well as bi-Weekly Samurai Sudoku, all other puzzles will be posted here, on the main page of the site. Expect at least a couple […]
Difficult Nurikabe book

Also posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku, Puzzle variants | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 10 Responses
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