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FREE Puzzles!
FREE Sudoku variants!
- Butterfly Sudoku
- Clueless Sudoku
- Consecutive Sudoku
- Diagonal Sudoku
- Flower Sudoku
- Frame Sudoku
- Greater than Sudoku
- Hyper Sudoku
- Insane Killer Sudoku
- Jigsaw Sudoku
- Killer Samurai Sudoku
- Killer Sudoku 10×10
- Loco Sudoku
- Multi Sudoku
- Non Consecutive Sudoku
- Odd Even Sudoku
- Outside Sudoku
- Sudoku Harakiri
- Sudoku Samurai
- Sudoku Straights
- Super Samurai Sudoku
- TwoDoku
Sample Puzzles!
Non-consecutive Flower Sudoku
As promised, I’m starting to post the flower sudoku puzzles here. They will be posted usually on Saturday’s. Today’s puzzle is my first of this kind, it’s a Non-consecutive Flower Sudoku for Saturday, February 2, 2008. Rules: Solve the puzzle so that any two horizontally or vertically adjacent cells DO NOT contain two consecutive numbers […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Flower Sudoku, Hint Use, rules, Rules Solve, Twin Nonets
3 Responses
Daily Sudoku puzzles are back
So sorry about the problem with the Daily sudoku puzzles which were pointing to Daily Killer puzzles. I have fixed the problem and you can get a Hyper or Jigsaw or Consecutive or Non-consecutive sudoku puzzle every day on the Daily Sudoku variants page.
Posted in General, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Consecutive Sudoku, Daily Killer, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, killer, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #14
A few important points today: 1. Today’s puzzle is a Non-consecutive Kakuro 2. I have changed the graphics of the puzzle so there won’t be too many black cells, I hope you like it better. 3. The puzzles will be available both as PDF and PNG from now on, so you can download whichever one […]
Posted in Kakuro, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Consecutive Kakuro, FREE, IMPORTANT, KAKURO, Non Consecutive, Non Consecutive Kakuro, PDF, PNG, rules, Rules Solve, Weekly Kakuro
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Weekly Kakuro (Cross Sums) #4 – (special!)
Ok, after all Sudoku variations that I have produced, here is my first Kakuro variation. It’s a NON-CONSECUTIVE Kakuro! Rules: Solve the puzzle so that the numbers in every horizontal and vertical region add up to the sum indicated for that region. Numbers CAN NOT be repeated in any region. IMPORTANT: In this particular puzzle, […]
Posted in Kakuro, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Consecutive Kakuro, FREE, IMPORTANT, KAKURO, NON, rules, Rules Solve, Weekly Kakuro
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Zero Killer Sudoku
A few visitors to my forum have been creating these puzzles for quite some time. Well, here is one from me. Rules: Everything is exactly the same as in your ordinary Killer Sudoku puzzles, except that there are even fewer clues given to you to start with. Some cells are not joined in any cages, […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Daily Killer, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, hyper sudoku, IQ, Jigsaw Sudoku, killer, killer sudoku, rules, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant, Weekend Special, windoku, ZERO, Zero Killer, Zero Killer Sudoku
9 Responses
Non-Consecutive and Killer Sudoku hybrid puzzle
Here is another unique puzzle – Non-Consecutive Killer Sudoku. If you ignore the non-consecutive rule, this puzzle has many solution. So, you must be careful not to place any two consecutive numbers next to each other! Then, the puzzle has a unique solution. Click on the puzzle thumbnail to access the puzzle. Enjoy!
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku
Also tagged hybrid, hybrid puzzle, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, Non Consecutive, Weekend Special
3 Responses
Daily Consecutive/Non-consecutive puzzles
Well, it’ time to revive the “Daily Sudoku variants” page. First of all, that page has been renamed to “(Non)consecutive”. Since this variation of Sudoku puzzles has proven to be more popular than odd/even and greater/less than, I have decided to give you one such puzzle every day, Monday to Friday. Hardest puzzles (IQ/Insane) will […]
Posted in General, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Daily Killer, Daily Killer Sudoku, Daily Sudoku, Daily Sudoku Variants, greater/less, HARD, INSANE, IQ, killer, killer sudoku, odd/even, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
3 Responses
Amy’s Loco Sudoku
It’s been a while! 🙂 For various reasons I haven’t made any posts in the last few months but that’s about to change. Thanks to Princess Amy, I’m presenting you a very special Sudoku puzzle. It consists of 1 Killer, 1 Odd/Even, 1 , 1 Consecutive and 1 Butterfly Sudoku puzzle, arranged Samurai Sudoku-style. Make […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Butterfly Sudoku, killer, odd/even, rules, samurai, Samurai Sudoku, UPDATE
10 Responses
Clueless Consecutive Sudoku puzzle
How many Sudoku variants are there? I don’t know. To calculate, you’d have to multiply the number of overlapping types with the number of variants that impose additional constraints on each puzzle. I produce puzzles with 5 different constraints: Killer, Odd/Even, Greater/Less than, Consecutive, and Non-Consecutive. But then again, you can put an “X” on […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Consecutive Sudoku, Greater Less, greater/less, Jigsaw Sudoku, killer, Non Consecutive, odd/even, rules, Sudoku Variant, Sudoku Variants, variant
2 Responses
Consecutive Butterfly Sudoku
Someone 😉 complained and asked for more new variants and specifically for cons/non-cons puzzles. So here it is – first ever Consecutive Butterfly (4 in 1) Sudoku puzzle. “Pipes” (“|” symbols) between cells mean that those cells must contain consecutive numbers. If there is no pipe – those cells can’t contain consecutive numbers. This second […]
Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants
Also tagged Butterfly Sudoku, DOES, EASY, IQ, variant, WARNING
2 Responses