This is the archive of the old posts from Djape .Net, more or less as they used to be. Please go to to see the new website.

Tag Archives: rules

Clueless Zero Killer Sudoku

This could well be the most difficult puzzle I’ve ever created. Yet, unlike some previous ones which were intentionally created to require trial&error, this one can surely be solved without guessing. This is a Zero Killer Sudoku puzzle in a Clueless format. Once more I want to thank Ruud for inventing the “Clueless” arrangement of […]
Fiendish Killer Sudoku Book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Killer Sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , | 12 Responses

Zero Killer Sudoku

A few visitors to my forum have been creating these puzzles for quite some time. Well, here is one from me. Rules: Everything is exactly the same as in your ordinary Killer Sudoku puzzles, except that there are even fewer clues given to you to start with. Some cells are not joined in any cages, […]
Zero Killer Sudoku, volume 2

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Killer Sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Responses

Jigsaw TwoDoku

Hello everyone, I’m back! 🙂 After a few weeks of no updates and some problems with the site, it’s time to get back to usual daily and weekly routines. The Washington Post Samurai Sudoku solutions have been updated. The Weekly Samurai X puzzles is now also in place. On Tuesday, there will be a new […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants, Washington Post | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku

It has been hinted that this kind of puzzle was going to be posted soon – and to end the suspense, here it is! 🙂 My first ever Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku! Not so many sites produce these puzzles. I might consider including them more often, or maybe even on a regular basis. We’ll see. Jigsaw […]
Jigsaw Samurai Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Jigsaw Sudoku, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , | 7 Responses

HYPER (aka Windoku) Samurai Sudoku

Ok, some of you thought that my previous invention was “nice” or even “very cool”, but some also thought that it was “really easy” and “not a challenge”. So I have to keep inventing new stuff. I quickly checked the web and couldn’t find this variation. If you’ve already seen it, please let me know. […]
Samarai Sudoku book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Samurai sudoku | Also tagged , , , , , | 4 Responses

A Hanjie-Sudoku hybrid puzzle!

Here is another very special puzzle – it’s an odd/even Sudoku puzzle but it also has clues on top and on the side, just the same as in Hanjie puzzles. This puzzle was provided by Clagu, our regular visitor from Korea. Thank you Clagu, it seems like a nice idea! Here are the rules: Hanjie […]
Posted in General, Picross | Also tagged , , , , | 4 Responses

Amy’s Loco Sudoku

It’s been a while! 🙂 For various reasons I haven’t made any posts in the last few months but that’s about to change. Thanks to Princess Amy, I’m presenting you a very special Sudoku puzzle. It consists of 1 Killer, 1 Odd/Even, 1 , 1 Consecutive and 1 Butterfly Sudoku puzzle, arranged Samurai Sudoku-style. Make […]
Loco Sudoku Puzzle Book Cuckoo Wacky Quirky

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Samurai sudoku, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , | 10 Responses


Here is something brand new, well, for this site anyway: Hanjie puzzles, previously known under the name “Tsunami”. I have been supplying these puzzles to Euromedia Finland since July who are publishing a Hanjie magazine every month. Each issue of their magazine contains 31 of my Hanjie puzzles in various sizes, from 10×10, 15×15 and […]
Big Picross Hanjie Griddlers Nonograms Oekaki Japanese Picture puzzles book

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Picross | Also tagged , , , , , , | 6 Responses

Clueless Consecutive Sudoku puzzle

How many Sudoku variants are there? I don’t know. To calculate, you’d have to multiply the number of overlapping types with the number of variants that impose additional constraints on each puzzle. I produce puzzles with 5 different constraints: Killer, Odd/Even, Greater/Less than, Consecutive, and Non-Consecutive. But then again, you can put an “X” on […]
Loco Sudoku Puzzle Book Cuckoo Wacky Quirky

Posted in Free sample puzzles, Sudoku Variants | Also tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Responses

Sudokuthon in aid of National Autistic Society

I’m posting this article on behalf of CathyW, one of our regular visitors. It’s about solving sudokus and raising funds at the same time for a very good cause The National Autistic Society (NAS) is calling upon the nation to take part in the first ever NAS Sudokuthon – the world’s largest Sudoku event. During […]
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